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View RSA-7-OB

Annual Report - Independent Living Services For Older Individuals Who Are Blind

RSA-7-OB for Maine Division for the Blind and Visually Impaired - H177B060019 report through September 30, 2006

Title VII-Chapter 2 Federal grant award for reported fiscal year

Title VII-Chapter 2 carryover from previous year

A. Funding Sources for Expenditures in Reported FY

A1. Title VII-Chapter 2

A2. Total other federal

(a) Title VII-Chapter 1-Part B

(b) SSA reimbursement

(c) Title XX - Social Security Act

(d) Older Americans Act

(e) Other

A3. State (excluding in-kind)

A4. Third party

A5. In-kind

A6. Total Matching Funds

A7. Total All Funds Expended

B. Total expenditures and encumbrances allocated to administrative, support staff, and general overhead costs

C. Total expenditures and encumbrances for direct program services

FTE (full time equivalent) is based upon a 40-hour workweek or 2080 hours per year.

A. Full-time Equivalent (FTE)

Program Staff a) Administrative and Support b) Direct Service c) Total
1. FTE State Agency 0.8000 5.0000 5.8000
2. FTE Contractors 1.2500 4.2500 5.5000
3. Total FTE 2.0500 9.2500 11.3000

B. Employed or advanced in employment

  a) Number employed b) FTE
1. Employees with Disabilities 0 1.3000
2. Employees with Blindness Age 55 and Older 0 0.0000
3. Employees who are Racial/Ethnic Minorities 0 0.5000
4. Employees who are Women 0 0.0000
5. Employees Age 55 and Older 0 0.0000

C. Volunteers

Provide data in each of the categories below related to the number of individuals for whom one or more services were provided during the reported fiscal year.

A. Individuals Served

1. Number of individuals who began receiving services in the previous FY and continued to receive services in the reported FY

2. Number of individuals who began receiving services in the reported FY

3. Total individuals served during the reported fiscal year (A1 + A2)

B. Age

1. 55-59

2. 60-64

3. 65-69

4. 70-74

5. 75-79

6. 80-84

7. 85-89

8. 90-94

9. 95-99

10. 100 & over

11. Total (must agree with A3)

C. Gender

C1. Female

C2. Male

C3. Total (must agree with A3)

D. Race/Ethnicity

1. American Indian or Alaska Native

2. Asian

3. Black or African American

4. Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander

5. White

6. Hispanic/Latino of any race or Hispanic/ Latino only

7. Two or more races

8. Race and ethnicity unknown (only if consumer refuses to identify)

9. Total (must agree with A3)

E. Degree of Visual Impairment

1. Totally Blind (LP only or NLP)

2. Legally Blind (excluding totally blind)

3. Severe Visual Impairment

4. Total (must agree with A3)

F. Major Cause of Visual Impairment

1. Macular Degeneration

2. Diabetic Retinopathy

3. Glaucoma

4. Cataracts

5. Other

6. Total (must agree with A3)

G. Other Age-Related Impairments

1. Hearing Impairment

2. Diabetes

3. Cardiovascular Disease and Strokes

4. Cancer

5. Bone, Muscle, Skin, Joint, and Movement Disorders

6. Alzheimer's Disease/Cognitive Impairment

7. Depression/Mood Disorder

8. Other Major Geriatric Concerns

H. Type of Living Arrangement

1. Lives alone

2. Lives with others (family, spouse, caretaker, etc.)

3. Total (must agree with A3)

I. Type of Residence

1. Private residence (house or apartment)

2. Senior Living/Retirement Community

3. Assisted Living Facility

4. Nursing Home/Long-term Care facility

5. Total (must agree with A3)

J. Source of Referral

1. Eye care provider (ophthalmologist, optometrist)

2. Physician/medical provider

3. State VR agency

4. Government or Social Service Agency

5. Senior Center

6. Faith-based organization

7. Independent Living center

8. Family member or friend

9. Self-referral

10. Other

11. Total (must agree with A3)

Provide data related to the number of older individuals who are blind receiving each type of service and resources committed to each type of service.

A. Clinical/functional vision assessments and services

  Cost Persons Served
1a. Total Cost from VII-2 funds 0  
1b. Total Cost from other funds 0  
2. Vision screening / vision examination / low vision evaluation   185
3. Surgical or therapeutic treatment to prevent, correct, or modify disabling eye conditions   0

B. Assistive technology devices and services

  Cost Persons Served
1a. Total Cost from VII-2 funds 20,000  
1b. Total Cost from other funds 5,000  
2. Provision of assistive technology devices and aids   612
3. Provision of assistive technology services   0

C. Independent living and adjustment training and services

  Cost Persons Served
1a. Total Cost from VII-2 funds 246,000  
1b. Total Cost from other funds 262,000  
. Independent living and adjustment skills training   0
3. Orientation and Mobility training   307
4. Communication skills   299
5. Daily living skills   308
6. Supportive services (reader services, transportation, personal   25
7. Advocacy training and support networks   151
8. Counseling (peer, individual and group)   193
9. Information, referral and community integration   271
. Other IL services   525

D. Community Awareness: Events & Activities

Cost a. Events / Activities b. Persons Served
1a. Total Cost from VII-2 funds 0    
1b. Total Cost from other funds 0    
2. Information and Referral     43
3. Community Awareness: Events/Activities   0 0

A. Activity

  a) Prior Year b) Reported FY c) Change ( + / - )
1. Program Cost (all sources)Info: Enter the total cost of the program for the prior fiscal year (A1a), and the fiscal year being reported (A1b).  The total cost of the program can be found in Part I A7.  Calculate the change (plus or minus) from the prior year to the reported year (A1c) 0 0 0
2. Number of Individuals ServedInfo: Enter the total number of eligible individuals served in the prior year (A2a), and in the current reported year (A2b).  The total number of individuals served can be found in Part III A3.  Calculate the change (plus or minus) in the numbers served from the prior year to the reported year (A2c). 0 0 0
3. Number of Minority Individuals ServedInfo: Enter the total number of minority individuals served in the prior year (A3a), and in the fiscal year currently being reported (A3b). The total number of minority individuals served is the total of Part III D1+D2+D3+D4+D6+D7.   Calculate the change (plus or minus) in the numbers served from the prior year to the reported year (A3c). 0 0 0
4. Number of Community Awareness Activities Info: Enter the number of community awareness activities or events in which the Chapter 2 program participated during the prior year (A4a), and in the fiscal year currently being reported (A4b).  The number of community awareness activities is found in Part IV D3a.  Calculate the change (plus or minus) in the number of events from the prior year to the year being reported (A4c). 0 0 0
5. Number of Collaborating agencies and Info: Enter the number of collaborating organizations or agencies (formal agreements or informal activity) other than Chapter 2 paid sub-grantees or contractors in the prior year (A5a), and in the fiscal year currently being reported (A5b).  Calculate the change (plus or minus) from the prior year to the year being reported (A5c). 0 0 0
6. Number of Sub-granteesInfo: If you provide services through sub-grantee agencies or contract, enter the number of sub-grantees or contracts in the prior year (A6a), and in the fiscal year currently being reported (A6b).  Calculate the change (plus or minus) from the prior year to the year being reported (A6c). If you do not use sub-grantees, enter 0 in A6a, A6b, and A6c. 0 0

Provide the following data for each of the performance measures below. This will assist RSA in reporting results and outcomes related to the program.

VI. Program Outcomes/Performance Measures Number of Persons
A1. Number of individuals who received orientation and mobility (O & M) services (refer to Part IV C3).
A2. Of those receiving orientation and mobility (O & M) services, the number of individuals who experienced functional gains or maintained their ability to travel safely and independently in their residence and/or community environment as a result of services.
B1. Number of individuals who received services or training in alternative non-visual or low vision techniques (refer to Part IV C2).
B2. Number of individuals that experienced functional gains or successfully restored or maintained their functional ability to engage in their customary life activities as a result of services or training in alternative non-visual or low vision techniques.
C1. Number of individuals receiving AT (assistive technology) services and training (refer to Part IV B2).
C2. Number of individuals receiving AT (assistive technology) services and training who regained or improved functional abilities that were previously lost or diminished as a result of vision loss.
D1. Number of individuals served who reported feeling that they are in greater control and are more confident in their ability to maintain their current living situation as a result of services they received.
D2. Number of individuals served who reported feeling that they have less control and confidence in their ability to maintain their current living situation as a result of services they received.
D3. Number of individuals served who reported no change in their feelings of control and confidence in their ability to maintain their current living situation as a result of services they received.

A. Briefly describe the agency's method of implementation for the Title VII-Chapter 2 program (i.e. in-house, through sub-grantees/contractors, or a combination) incorporating outreach efforts to reach underserved and/or unserved populations. Please list all sub-grantees/contractors.

B. Briefly describe any activities designed to expand or improve services including collaborative activities or community awareness; and efforts to incorporate new methods and approaches developed by the program into the State Plan for Independent Living (SPIL) under Section 704.

C. Briefly summarize results from any of the most recent evaluations or satisfaction surveys conducted for your program and attach a copy of applicable reports.

D. Briefly describe the impact of the Title VII-Chapter 2 program, citing examples from individual cases (without identifying information) in which services contributed significantly to increasing independence and quality of life for the individual(s).

E. Finally, note any problematic areas or concerns related to implementing the Title VII-Chapter 2 program in your state.

As the authorized signatory, I will sign, date and retain in the state agency's files a copy of this 7-OB Report and the separate Certification of Lobbying form ED-80-0013 (available in MS Word and PDF formats.

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