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AFM Programs & Services

Service Employees Team (SET) Program


General Information

The Service Employees Team (SET) Program provides temporary help to REE Agencies during periods of peak workloads or special projects. SET can help find the right person to temporarily help out for periods of up to16 weeks.

To request a temporary employee through a SET detail, simply complete a SET Detail Worksheet and send it electronically to the SET Program Coordinator. A SET Detail Opportunity Notice will go out to a predetermined audience with specifics of the detail including the title of the position, its location, and a description of duties. The detail notice will also indicate the start date, duration of the assignment, whether or not there is temporary promotion potential, and all funding arrangements (who pays salary and whether or not travel costs are authorized).

REE employees interested in serving on the detail coordinate with their supervisors and submit resumes to the SET Program Coordinator who works with the requestor to fill their needs.

SET Program Manager
Michelle Swann


Last Updated: 01/02/2013