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Grant Request Guidelines

The English Language Office at the U.S. Embassy in Moscow, through the Public Affairs Section and the Office of English Language Programs, provides a limited number of grants on a very competitive basis to support professional development opportunities in the field of English Language teaching in Russia. Amounts range from $500 to $5000. Grants are typically used to:

  • Help start, support or expand English Language Teachers’ Associations in Russia
  • Develop English language teaching materials that build a better understanding of Russian and American cultures
  • Support unique professional development projects that have a deep and lasting impact on the English language teaching community; projects include work in the areas of curriculum development and assessment
  • Contribute to travel expenses for participants of regional, national and, in special circumstances, international conferences

USG Exchange Program Alumni are eligible to apply for English Language Office grants. However, we strongly recommend applicants also consider visiting

Grant requests are considered year-round and are considered only if they:

  • Address an important advancement in the field of English language teaching, especially in the context of regional and national needs in the field
  • Have a long-term impact that will support the development of English Language Teaching in the country
  • Show expected results that will affect a wider audience other than the grantee(s)
  • Include cost-sharing
  • Are unique, creative, and show excellent rationale for funding 

 Project Grants should include:

  • Name of the project that is being proposed

  • Brief description of the nature of the project
  • Rationale for the project 
  • Timeframe for the project
  • Name and backgrounds of the participants in the project (brief CV for the project coordinator/s)
  • List of any previous grants received from the US Government
  • Information on any exchange program in which applicants participated
  • List of any pervious travel to the US (reasons for the travel)
  • Description of the expected results of the project
  • Description of project’s impact on region or country
  • Evaluation component
  • Budget and cost-sharing details (equipment, space, travel, supplies, etc.)

Travel Grants should include:

  • Name of the main event for which the travel is needed
  • Description of the nature of the event
  • Description of the expected audience at the event 
  • Name and/or description of some of the key presenters or participants at the event
  • Name of the location of the main event
  • Name of all travelers to be included in the grant
  • Brief CVs showing relevant information regarding the traveler’s credentials for participating in the main event
  • List of any previous grants received from the US Government
  • List of any pervious travel to the US (reasons for the travel)
  • Information on any exchange program in which applicants participated
  • Description of the level of participation of all travelers in the proposed event(s)
  • Brief summary or abstract of what the travelers will present
  • Copy of any acceptance required for participation in the proposed event(s)
  • Description the expected results of participating in the proposed event(s)
  • Explanation of how the traveler’s participation will effect his or her work, study or research
  • Explanation of how the traveler(s) will share the information gleaned from the event(s) with his or her colleagues on his or her return
  • Budget that reflects cost-sharing on the part of the traveler
  • Agreement that a final written evaluation report and budget will be submitted to the ELO within 30 days upon the end of the travel.