Physics Division Colloquium

Auditorium, Building 203, Argonne National Laboratory

Fridays at 11:00 AM

2012-2013 Program

Please contact the host if you wish to arrange a discussion with the speaker.

7 Sep 2012 Tom LeCompte , Argonne High Energy Physics Division
The Outcome of the LHC Search for the Higgs Boson
Host: Paul Reimer
14 Sep 2012 Heinrich Jaeger, University of Chicago
Dynamically Jammed Liquids: A New Perspective on Shear Thickening of Dense Suspensions
Host: Jeff Guest
21 Sep 2012 Geoffrey Greene, Oak Ridge Nat. Lab. & U. Tennessee, Knoxville
The Neutron Lifetime
Host: Jaideep Singh
28 Sep 2012 Andreas Kronfeld, Fermilab
Twenty-first Century Lattice Gauge Theory: Consequences of the QCD Lagrangian
Host: Paul Reimer
5 Oct 2012 Sarah Milkovich, Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Mars Science Laboratory: Where Our Curiosity Is Taking Us
Host: Jaideep Singh
12 Oct 2012 Douglas Clowe, Ohio U., Athens, Ohio
Through a Lens, Darkly
Host: Lucas Platter
19 Oct 2012 Allan Franklin, U. Colorado, Boulder, CO
Experiment, Then and Now
Host: Jaideep Singh
26 Oct 2012 Fall DNP Meeting
Newport Beach, CA, 24--27 Oct. 2012
2 Nov 2012 James Vary, Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa
Atomic nuclei at low and high resolution
Host: Dick Chasman
9 Nov 2012 Dietrich Müller, University of Chicago
Hundred Years of Cosmic Rays: Some Reflections on the Research in Chicago
Host: Jason Clark
16 Nov 2012 Susan Gardner, University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY
Dark Matter in a Weakly Coupled Universe
Host: Paul E. Reimer
23 Nov 2012 Thanksgiving - No colloquium
30 Nov 2012 Daniel Fabrycky, University of Chicago
Planetary System Architectures from Kepler
Host: Dariusz Seweryniak
7 Dec 2012 Benjamin Kay, University of York
Probing nuclear structure through single-nucleon transfer
Host: Jason Clark
14 Dec 2012 Chris Greene, Purdue University
Universal few-body states related to Efimov physics: 3, 4, and 5 particles, and beyond
Host: Zhen-tian Lu
21 Dec 2012 Christmas, New Year break (almost) - No colloquium
28 Dec 2012 Christmas, New Year break - No colloquium
4 Jan 2013 Jason Clark, Argonne Physics Division
A CARIBU is born: first results from our new baby
Host: Paul Reimer
11 Jan 2013 Jonathan Simon, U. Chicago
Engineering Quantum Materials from Cold Atoms: Mott Insulators to Emergent Crystals
Host: Jaideep Singh
18 Jan 2013 Paul McEuen, Cornell University
Graphene at the Boundaries
Hosts: Jeff Guest and Paul Reimer
25 Jan 2013 Jun Ye, JILA and U. Colorado, Boulder, CO
Precision metrology and many-body quantum physics
Host: Jeff Guest
1 Feb 2013 Holger Müller, U.C. Berkeley
Matter-wave Clocks
Host: Darek Seweryniak
8 Feb 2013 Cancelled
15 Feb 2013 Luming Duan, University of Michigan
Recent progress in quantum computation, networking, and simulation with trapped ions
Host: Lucas Platter
22 Feb 2013 Michael Rust, U. Chicago
Robust Circadian Rhythms from Three Proteins
Host: Paul Reimer
1 Mar 2013 Gretina workshop - No colloquium
8 Mar 2013 Haiyan Gao, Duke University, Durham NC
New searches on parity and time-reversal symmetry violating quantities or interactions
Host: Paul E. Reimer
15 Mar 2013 Achim Schwenk, TU Darmstadt, Germany
Title to be announced
Host: Lucas Platter
22 Mar 2013 William Happer, Princeton University
Title to be announced
Host: Richard Chasman
29 Mar 2013 Kartik Srinivasan, NIST
Title to be announced
Host: Jaideep Singh
5 Apr 2013 Steven E. Koonin, New York University, New York, NY
Title to be announced
Host: David Potterveld
11 Apr 2013
Frank Zimmermann, CERN
LHC accelerator and Higgs factory upgrade
Host: Peter Ostroumov
12 Apr 2013 William Phillips, NIST
Title to be announced
Host: Paul E. Reimer
19 Apr 2013 Gerald Gabrielse, Harvard University
Title to be announced
Host: Jason Clark
26 Apr 2013 Michael Zalutsky, Duke University
Title to be announced
Host: Dick Chasman
3 May 2013 Ralf Gothe, University of South Carolina
Experimental Probes into the Essence of Matter
Host: Craig Roberts
10 May 2013 Gerald Gwinner, University of Manitoba
Fundamental symmetry tests with cooled atoms: From Lorentz invariance to parity
Host: Jason Clark
17 May 2013
24 May 2013 Peter J. Lu, Harvard University
Modern math in medieval Islamic architecture
Host: Lucas Platter
31 May 2013 Vladimir N. Litvinenko, Brookhaven Nat. Lab.
Novel Techniques for Hadron Beam Cooling in Hadron and Electron-Hadron Colliders
Host: Peter Ostroumov
7 Jun 2013 Francesca Casadio, Art Institute of Chicago
Title to be announced
Host: Jaideep Singh

Click here for 2011-2012 season

Click here for summaries of previous seasons

2012-2013 Committee

Dick Chasman ( mail)
Jason Clark ( mail)
Jeffrey Guest ( mail)
Thomas LeCompte ( mail)
Peter Ostroumov ( mail)
Lucas Platter ( mail)
David Potterveld ( mail)
Paul Reimer (Chair) ( mail)
Dariusz Seweryniak ( mail)
Jaideep Singh ( mail)

Secretary Janet Bergman (630-252-4085, mail)
Web Guys Robert Wiringa (630-252-6134, mail)
                   Steven Pieper (630-252-4232, mail)