ATLAS Proposal Submission

A call for ATLAS Proposals is made 2-3 times per year, depending on the backlog of approved experiments and the available beam time. The formal call for proposals will be issued by e-mail to our list of ATLAS Users approximately two months prior to the PAC meeting. To join the list of ATLAS Users and receive the call for proposals anouncements, please contact Ms. Barbara Weller at

We are now accepting proposals for the December 14-15, 2012 meeting of the ATLAS PAC. The deadline for proposal submission is MONDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 2012.

To see the call for proposals announcement letter click here.

Click here to see lists of approved experiments from previous PAC meetings.


Proposal Submission Instructions:

  • Electronic Submissions:


    1. You will need to fill out the Proposal Fact Sheet form on the web (see below). After filling out the appropriate information, click the submit button. The information will then be sent to us to be printed out and provided to members of the PAC, and to our accelerator operations and safety personnel for review.

      Electronic ATLAS Proposal Fact Sheet Form.

      If you are submitting a Gammasphere proposal, you will also need to complete the Gammasphere Checklist:

      Electronic Gammasphere Checklist Form.

    2. In addition to the web-based Fact Sheet, you will need to provide a detailed description of your proposed experiment. This write-up should be sent as an attachment to a separate e-mail (to: ) using either postscript (PS), portable document format (PDF), or Microsoft Word (DOC) format. Please check the appropriate box on the Fact Sheet form and indicate the file name of the e-mail attachment in the space provided. Please note: Due to security issues, the web-based fact sheet WILL NOT upload your proposal write up! It has to be sent as an e-mail attachment.


  • Hardcopy Submissions:


    1. Download and fill out the Proposal Fact Sheet:


      Proposal_Factsheet.doc (MS Word format)
      Proposal_Factsheet.pdf (PDF format)


      If you are submitting a Gammasphere proposal, also download and fill out the Gammasphere Checklist:


      GS_Checklist.doc (MS Word format)
      GS_Checklist.pdf (PDF format)


    2. Write a detailed description of your proposed experiment


    3. Mail 15 copies of your proposal write-up and fact sheet to:


      Ms. Barbara Weller
      Physics Division, Argonne National Laboratory
      9700 S. Cass Ave.
      Argonne, IL 60439, USA