Justice for Victims. Justice for All.
Office for Victims of Crime

Past Events

12th National Indian Nations Conference

The 12th National Indian Nations Conference—held on December 9-11, 2010, in Palm Springs, California, on the Agua Caliente Reservation—was a success, exceeding previous years’ attendance with over 900 attendees and garnering a multitude of positive comments from attendees:

12th National Indian Nations Conference
  • "The ability to network is priceless. We are located in a rural area so the opportunity to obtain ideas from other programs is wonderful and a unique opportunity for us."
  • "This conference exceeds any expectations I have had... I cannot walk away from this experience without bringing with me a wealth of knowledge."
  • "Thank you for creating an outstanding opportunity for people from highly diverse communities and experiences to come together on behalf of crime victims."
  • "The love, respect, honor, and tenderness throughout all sessions. The music was wonderful—everything was a blessing to me."

Coordinated by the Tribal Law and Policy Institute under a cooperative agreement from OVC, event highlights included—

  • A keynote address by Attorney General Eric H. Holder, Jr., which is also available in video from the Conference Web site.
  • More than 70 workshops led by experts in their fields.
  • A panel presentation about the Tribal Law and Order Act featuring John Harte (San Felipe Pueblo), a partner at Mapetsi Policy Group and former policy director on the U.S. Senate Committee on Indian Affairs.
  • A closing keynote address by Larry Echo Hawk (Pawnee Nation), Assistant Secretary for Indian Affairs, U.S. Department of the Interior.
  • Speeches by Hon. William A. Thorne (Pomo/Coast Miwok), Appellate Court Judge, Utah Court of Appeals, and Judge Pro Tem at many different Tribal Courts.

A conference agenda details the breadth of sessions and workshops examining topics such as tribal youth programs; victim’s assistance; suicide prevention; alcohol and substance abuse; community-based partnerships; and domestic violence and sexual assault. Web updates to the Conference Website include video materials and workshop presentation materials in PowerPoint and PDF formats.

Photos from the 12th National Indian Nations Conference

U.S. Attorney General Eric H. Holder, Jr. addresses attendees of the 12th National Indian Nations conference on December 9, 2010. Larry Echo Hawk, Assistant Secretary for Indian Affairs, U.S. Department of the Interior, receiving congratulations from The Boyz after being presented with an eagle feather by Jim Clairmont at the conclusion of his closing keynote address  on December 11, 2010, at the 12th National Indian Nations conference. Group photo (appearing from left to right): Sarah Deer, Assistance Professor of Law, William Mitchell College of Law; Kira Antell, OVC Detailee from U.S. Sentencing Commission; Larry Echo Hawk, Assistant Secretary for Indian Affairs, U.S. Department of the Interior; Kathleen Gless, OVC Victim Justice Program Specialist; and Joye E. Frost, OVC Principal Deputy Director, at the 12th National Indian Nations conference closing ceremony on December 11, 2010. On December 9, 2010, Joye E. Frost, OVC Principal Deputy Director, welcomes attendees to the 12th National Indian Nations conference.
Click on each image for an enlarged view.

Photos courtesy of Matt Deserly on behalf of Tribal Law & Policy Institute.

View more photos from the Indian Nations conference.
View Conference Video Clips.