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Federal Highway Administration > Publications > Public Roads > Vol. 75 · No. 5 > Articles

March/April 2012
Vol. 75 · No. 5

Publication Number: FHWA-HRT-12-003


Recruiting the Next Generation

by Clark Martin and Stephanie Carter

The USDOT National Engineers Program is seeking the transportation innovators of the future. Someday, will some of them be your colleagues and the leaders of tomorrow?

Nurturing the Next Big Thing

by Lucia Olivera

USDOT is partnering with small businesses to foster new transportation technologies, products, and services through the Small Business Innovation Research program.

Best of the Best: Americ's Transportation Awards!

by Maggie Perrigo

Check out these extraordinary success stories: AASHTO announces its top 2011 honorees for design and delivery of highway innovations.

Proven Countermeasures for Pedestrian Safety

by Jennifer Bartlett, Brett Graves, Theo Petritsch, and Tamara Redmon

FHWA and many State DOTs are relying on the demonstrated effectiveness of medians and walkways to help protect those on foot.

Spotlight on Benefit-Cost Analysis

by Nathaniel Coley

To help make every dollar work more effectively, transportation agencies can improve project appraisals to increase returns on investments. Proactive BCA can help make this happen.

United States Department of Transportation - Federal Highway Administration