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  • PREA - Policies and Response Plans

    I am a Sgt. for a large four facility county jail in California. I am working on compliance with the recently enacted PREA federal mandates. I am looking for any jail or prison facility that has a zero tolerance sexual abuse policy that I can reveiw. I am also wanting to see any sexual assault response...
    Posted to General Topics (Forum) by turnbaugh on Thu, Feb 14 2013
  • Re: National PREA Resource Workgroup NPR-WORK

    Does anyone had a fact sheet or information sheet on PREA that they are handing out at Intake/Admission? I'm looking for a one-page sheet that explains their rights, how to report, etc. Thanks!
    Posted to General Topics (Forum) by ahassenstab on Mon, Nov 5 2012
  • PREA intake questions/Rulebook info.

    If anyone has: 1. PREA questions asked during the booking process 2. PREA information they place in their inmate hanbooks It would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
    Posted to Correctional Research Roundtable (Forum) by schmeb37 on Sun, Oct 14 2012
  • Re: National PREA Resource Workgroup NPR-WORK

    The video can be downloaded at: Also the National PREA Resource Workgroup withother resources, links, newsletters about PREA materials is If you are not a member, it is free. just send contact information prea.coordinator...
    Posted to General Topics (Forum) by Kila Jager on Tue, Aug 28 2012
  • Camera placement for Juvenile correctional facilities

    I have a request that I hope you will pass on to the part of your agency that is concerned with camera placement and security. We are in the midst of a statewide facility planning project for camera placement. Oregon Youth Authority is 10 facilities and around 800 youth. Here is a website about our facilities...
    Posted to General Topics (Forum) by Kila Jager on Fri, Jul 6 2012
  • Validated Risk and Vulnerability Assessment Tool (PREA)

    PREA Standards require screening for risk of victimization and abusiveness. Wh at you are using to satisfy this standard. We have been asked about using the SAVY . I cannot find where it is validated. Does anyone know? Does anyone use a validated vulnerability...
    Posted to General Topics (Forum) by Kila Jager on Mon, Mar 19 2012
  • PREA, Prison Rape Elimination Act Compliance in training

    In PREA standards ( proposed rules), we are required to train all employees, contractors, volunteers, residents/inmates, investigators, mental health and medical practitioners, and anyone who has direct contact with residents/inmates. On the National PREA REsource Workgroup (NPR-WORK) website http:/...
    Posted to General Topics (Forum) by Kila Jager on Thu, Mar 8 2012
  • 2012 Texas Juvenile Justice Summit

    The 2nd Annual Texas Juvenile Justice Summit will take place in Austin, Texas, June 25 to June 29, 2012. There will be national speakers such as Shay Bilchik former Director of the OJJDP to talk about collaboration and Dr. Linda Dahlberg from the CDC to talk about Violence Prevention. There are also...
    Posted to General Topics (Forum) by John Kinsey on Tue, Feb 28 2012
  • Re: National PREA Resource Workgroup NPR-WORK

    The Diana Screen--Child Protection Test A National PREA REsource workgroup member asks the following: Greetings everyone, I was curious if any of you are familiar with the Diana Screen tool used for screening staff that should not work with children. Your input is appreciated. I have attached information...
    Posted to General Topics (Forum) by Kila Jager on Mon, Feb 6 2012
  • Re: PREA Juvenile Corrections National Work Group

    A PREA workgroup update. We are 27 states and 70 members at present and working hard together to share resources. Our website is and under resources you will find many trainings, policies, powerpoints and other resources to help any agency become PREA...
    Posted to Correctional Trainers (Forum) by Kila Jager on Thu, Jan 12 2012
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