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Commit to Protect the Environment

Participate in the It's My Environment video project!

Make a personal commitment to make environmental protection a part of your daily life.

See the second compilation of It's My Environment videos!

It's My Environment!  Link to EPA's External Link Disclaimer

It's not too late to submit your videos - participate through December 1st !

Take Action

PICK 5 by choosing at least 5 actions you’ll commit to. Use less water and electricity, commute without polluting, reuse and recycle, and more: 

Pick 5 for the Environment

Join your community in an Earth Day activity

US Map

Find more events at Earthday.net exit EPA

Volunteer to help America at Serve.gov

Read more about taking action

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Learn a green tip every day

Enter your email to receive a daily email tip during Earth Month in April:  

Teach others about the Environment

One of the best ways to spread the word on environmental protection is to teach a class at your local school.
See our lesson plans

Share your thoughts and images on the environment

Winners of EPA Poster Contest:

Read more about sharing, learning and teaching

EPA Administrator Lisa P. Jackson

"The first Earth Day showed us what we can accomplish when we come together in service. We can literally change the world........"

EPA@40 Celebration logo
EPA turns 40 this year - help us celebrate!

Read more on Administrator Jackson

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