Feature Slides

Welcome to the NITRD Program

The NITRD Program provides a framework in which many Federal agencies come together to coordinate their networking and information technology (IT) research and development (R&D) efforts.

The Program operates under the aegis of the NITRD Subcommittee of the National Science and Technology Council's (NSTC) Committee on Technology. The Subcommittee, made up of representatives from each of NITRD's member agencies, provides overall coordination for NITRD activities.

Federal IT R&D, which launched and fueled the digital revolution, continues to drive innovation in scientific research, national security, communication, and commerce to sustain U.S. technological leadership. The NITRD agencies' collaborative efforts increase the overall effectiveness and productivity of these Federal R&D investments, leveraging strengths, avoiding duplication, and increasing interoperability of R&D products. More...

The NITRD Program has its focus on the following research areas:

About the NCO

The National Coordination Office (NCO) supports the national Networking and Information Technology Research and Development (NITRD) Program by providing technical expertise, planning and coordination and by serving as the Program's central point of contact.

The NCO continuously seeks to enhance its ability to be a catalyst for collaboration, exchange of information, and outreach to foster knowledge, methods, R&D, technology transfer, and innovation for U.S. global leadership in networking and information technology and its applications.

Accountability, dedication, integrity, and responsibility are the core values that underlie NCO's efforts to serve as a catalyst for the networking and information technology research and development community. More...

The NCO Leadership
Dr. George Strawn

Dr. Mark Luker

What's New

SEI Blog: Looking Ahead: The SEI Technical Strategic Plan
By Bill Scherlis
SEI Principal Researcher and Director, Institute for Software Research
Click here to view the entry

Cyber Physical Systems (CPS SSG) - Vision Statement

PCAST released its latest report, Designing a Digital Future: Federally Funded Research and Development in Networking and Information Technology, January 2013, to the President and Congress on its assessment of the NITRD Program.
  White House Blog post
  Full PCAST Report

CPS SSG News/Events: Dear Colleague Letter: NSF-FHWA Coordination on Cyber Physical Systems for Highway Transportation - The National Science Foundation (NSF) and the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) have a shared interest in advancing basic and applied research in Cyber Physical Systems (CPS), which are systems in which physical processes are tightly intertwined with networked computing. For transportation, CPS will provide the foundation necessary for a safe, efficient highway transportation system connecting vehicles, infrastructure, people, and goods in a vibrant, competitive economy. FHWA plans to post a broad agency announcement in early January 2013. NSF has posted the DCL to http://www.nsf.gov/pubs/2013/nsf13034/nsf13034.jsp

Dr. George O. Strawn, Director of the NCO for NITRD Program has been named a Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS).

In October 2012, the AAAS Council elected 701 members as Fellows of AAAS. These individuals will be recognized for their contributions to science and technology at the Fellows Forum to be held on 16 February 2013 during the AAAS Annual Meeting in Boston, Massachusetts. The new Fellows will receive a certificate and a blue and gold rosette as a symbol of their distinguished accomplishments. http://www.aaas.org/aboutaaas/fellows/2012.shtml

NSA Competition for Best Scientific Cybersecurity Paper
http://www.nsa.gov/public_info/press_room/2012/cybersecurity_paper.shtml Submissions due by January 31, 2013

Request for Comments (RFC) - Federal Cybersecurity Research and Development Strategic Plan
NITRD Senior Steering Group for Cybersecurity R&D issues a request for public comments on the Federal cybersecurity R&D strategic plan: https://federalregister.gov/a/2012-28481