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Town Hall, Belmont Waltham Central Square, Waltham Winn Memorial Library, Woburn Revere Beach, Revere Town Hall, Belmont Hills Pond, Menotomy Rocks Park, Arlington

Social Security

Social Security is the primary retirement plan for millions of Americans. For seventy-five years it has provided peace of mind to beneficiaries and those who view it as a foundation upon which to build a retirement program. In Massachusetts alone, there are 1.1 million Social Security beneficiaries, including nearly 120,000 in the 5th Congressional District, who rely on the program each month.

Rep. Markey has consistently advocated for the protection of Social Security, calling for necessary cost of living adjustments and the repeal of both the Windfall Elimination Provision and the Government Pension Offset which currently limit the benefits for surviving spouses of military or civilian government employees.

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