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Recently in Ending Bailouts

Two years ago, I was one of 43 members of Congress appointed to the conference committee for the Dodd-Frank financial-reform bill. Along with others, I fought against the legislation and lost.After an all-night session, Democrats (who then held the House...
The news of J.P. Morgan Chase’s recent trading loss has raised the cry of “I told you so” from proponents of the almost 2-year-old Dodd-Frank Act. They say the law’s Volcker rule would have prevented such a loss and that without more regulation, financial institutions will continue to make poor investment decisions. As an opponent of Dodd-Frank and one of many who have warned against the politicization of our economy, the threat of future bailouts and attempts by the government to eliminate risks, I also wish to say, “I told you so.”
Congressman Jeb Hensarling (R-TX), Chairman of the House Republican Conference, appeared this morning on CNN’s Starting Point today to discuss GOP efforts to deal with our spending-driven debt crisis and the challenge posed by the president and Washington Democrats. Below are excerpts from the interview.
“It’s time to enact fundamental reform before these companies go from ‘too big to fail’ to ‘too late to fix.’”
This week, the House passed a bill I introduced ending a $1 billion wasteful government housing program that would actually increase the debt of the very homeowners it claims to be helping.America is drowning in a sea of red ink....
“The stimulus approach to job creation clearly did not work. The solution for job creation we heard from the American people is to remove the uncertainty in the economy stemming from policies and irresponsible spending created in Washington."
“We will be living with the consequences of this ill-advised program years after it has ended.” WASHINGTON, D.C. — Congressman Jeb Hensarling (R-TX), a former member of the Congressional Oversight Panel (COP) for the Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP) and the...
With votes in danger, a House-Senate conference committee adopts a plan to immediately end the $700-billion bailout fund as an alternative to a $19-billion fee on large financial institutions.By Jim Puzzanghera and Lisa Mascaro, Los Angeles TimesJune 30, 2010Reporting from...
WASHINGTON — Congressman Jeb Hensarling, the top Republican on the House Financial Services Subcommittee on Financial Institutions and Consumer Credit, and the author of H.R. 4889, the GSE Bailout Elimination and Taxpayer Protection Act and H.R. 5391, the Federal Housing...