Publications Treatment, Prevention, & Recovery Cognitive Behavioral Therapy SMA08-3954
Motivational Enhancement Therapy and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Supplement: 7 Sessions of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Adolescent Cannabis Users

Motivational Enhancement Therapy and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Supplement: 7 Sessions of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Adolescent Cannabis Users

Cannabis Youth Treatment Series, Vol. 2

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Presents a 7-session cognitive behavioral therapy approach to teaching coping skills to teen marijuana users. Includes step-by-step procedures for implementing the treatment protocol and reproducible posters, handouts, and therapist rating forms.

Pub id: SMA08-3954
Publication Date: 11/2008
Popularity: 442
Format: Guidelines or Manual
Audience: Professional Care Providers
Series: Cannabis Youth Treatment Series (CYT)
Population Group: Adolescents as Population Group

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07/15/2012 11:34 AM

A professional from a School/University said:

Looking for material to fill my summer with additional reading while out of school for summer break

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09/17/2012 1:29 PM

A professional from a Non-Profit/Community Based Organization/Coalition said:

Thank you for the enormous amount of educational material. I use every piece of information that you send to me. Please keep it coming!