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Congressman David Valadao

Representing the 21st District of California

Spending and Debt


Our national debt has increased 42% in the past 3 years to become a $16 trillion dollar black hole. If the United States is to escape this economic black hole, we must reduce government spending and learn to live within our means. I believe we can get America’s fiscal house in order while keeping the promises we have made to Americans and supporting national safety-net programs, which provide necessary assistance to those who need it most.

Congress will have to make tough decisions now in order to secure our future, but I believe we can balance America’s budget without increasing tax rates.  Removing burdensome regulations on small businesses will stimulate economic growth and put Americans back to work. Implementing a fairer tax code with strong incentives to work and invest will broaden our tax base, lower the tax burden for all Americans, and provide increased support for necessary federal programs