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Map of 28139 studies found by search of:   Open Studies
Click on the map below to show a more detailed map (when available) or search for studies (when map not available).
Map Legend
Region Name   Number of Studies
World 28139
Africa   [map]   487
Central America   [map]   283
East Asia   [map]   2201
Japan 448   [studies]
Europe   [map]   7352
Middle East   [map]   1334
North America 16981
Canada   [map]   2285   [studies]
Mexico 311   [studies]
United States   [map]   15442   [studies]
North Asia   [map]   427
Pacifica   [map]   798
South America   [map]   720
South Asia   [map]   473
Southeast Asia   [map]   517

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Studies with no locations are not included in the counts or on the map.

Studies with multiple locations are included in each region containing locations.