Posts Tagged ‘ISS’

Bringing Home the Magic of Space

| The mission of the Center for the Advancement of Science in Space (CASIS) is to maximize use of this unparalleled platform for innovation, which can benefit all humankind and inspire a new generation to look to the stars. What can you imagine? How are you inspired by those who are living and working in space? [...]

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The space station really is for every generation

| As a child, the space shuttle completely ignited my imagination about exploration. I watched every space movie I could find, and carried around a well-worn copy of the Space Shuttle Operators Manual in one hand and my astronaut doll in the other. My elementary school classes crowded around the television to watch each launch, and [...]

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Fragile Oasis: Connecting Space and Earth

| Today is Ron Garan’s last day in space. (on this mission, at least!) After more than 5 months on orbit, he will join Russian crewmates Alexander Samokutyaev and Andrey Borisenko as they undock from the station’s Poisk module to return to Earth in their Soyuz TMA-21 spacecraft. They are set to land in southern Kazakhstan [...]

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I’m the highest person…feelin’ low

| Last weekend, the Expedition 28 crew onboard the International Space Station heard that their return home will be postponed from September 8th to an anticipated landing on September 16th due to the failure of a Russian Progress cargo vehicle on August 24th. Although I don’t think anyone would disagree with the fact that space travel [...]

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NASA Open Data Highlight: ISS Live!

| JSC’s ISSLive! project is an exceptional example of NASA’s commitment to data and mission transparency in an interactive, participatory environment. For the true space geeks and data lovers among us – I hope you are excited. “Just 150 miles above us, the International Space Station (ISS) is orbiting. (Sidenote: If you haven’t seen cool open-source projects like [...]

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