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LANL: Science: Fellows

Papers and Colloquia

White Papers and Other Documents

Fellows Report on Metrics for the Technical/Business Interface (pdf)
LA-UR-08-0466, January 2008

Fellows Report on Strategy for Energy Research (pdf)
LA-UR-07-7387, October 2007

Fellows Report on Metrics for Scientific Excellence at Los Alamos (pdf)
LA-UR-06-3393, May 2006

Statement on New Mexico Science Education and the 2003 Revisions to New Mexico Science Standards (pdf)
LA-UR-03-6056, August 2003

Fellows Position on the University of California Contract
LA-UR-03-915, February 2003

Statement of Support for the UC Contract
LA-UR-00-3328, July 2000

Foreign National Involvement at LANL, (pdf)
LA-UR-02-7662, June 1999

Future Research Directions for Los Alamos, (pdf)
LA-UR-02-7722, December 1998

Fellows' Advanced Projects Initiative, (pdf)
LA-UR-93-553, February 1993

The Relevance of the Los Alamos Meson Physics Facility (LAMPF) to National Goals, (pdf)
LA-UR-92-1467, April 1992

Addendum to LA-UR-92-1467, (pdf), February 1993


Unsolved Problems in the Science of Life: Proceedings of the Fellows Colloquium
(Los Alamos Science, Number 16, 1988) LA-UR-88-1000, July 1988

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