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Protecting Intellectual Property

The Laboratory's ability to use the results of its own scientific research to effectively meet its technology transfer mission depends on the protection of its intellectual property. This intellectual property includes the inventions, discoveries, software, drawings, and technical know-how of Laboratory staff. Protecting intellectual property enables the development of partnerships with industry. These partnerships positively impact both the regional and national economies while simultaneously expanding LANL's intellectual property portfolio and generating resources for Laboratory programs.



BugBrowser GUI screen example

"BugBrowser" is a Java-based software program that provides highly flexible and dynamic visualization of many features of viral, bacterial, and plasmid genomes. The program can be used to graphically view either circular or linear representations of microbial genomes.




Featured Technology

Eyedropper deposit on metal

Polymer-assisted deposition (PAD): LANL has developed a simple process of using polymers to grow large quantities of high-quality metal-oxide films. Our process is equivalent in quality to industry-standard chemical vapor deposition, yet much cheaper. PAD is cost effective and can be used to cover much larger areas of substrates with metal-oxides. PAD is also superior to sol-gel methods because it can be used with many more metal oxides; the thin film is uniform and not susceptible to cracking; and the metal oxide stoichiometry can be precisely controlled.




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Operated by Los Alamos National Security, LLC for the U.S. Department of Energy's NNSA

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