Asthma Inhalers Relief Act - Myth vs. Fact
Posted by Whitney Thompson on July 19, 2012
This year a common over-the-counter emergency asthma inhaler, Primatene Mist, was forced off pharmacy shelves due to an international treaty agreement. Now, asthma sufferers who find themselves awake at 2am with an unexpected attack and do not have immediate access to an inhaler are faced with what use to be a problem solved with a trip to the drug store and now necessitates a costly and time-consuming emergency room visit. Click on the image below to get more information about the Asthma Inhalers Relief Act.
The opinions expressed below are those of their respective authors and do not necessarily represent those of this office.
  • mychelle from exmore commented on 8/9/2012
    Having Primatene available would improve my quality of life immensely. Knowing that relief is available on the shelves of drugstores in such a peace for those with intermittent asthma. I have used it for decades with no bad side effects and enjoy great health otherwise. It would mean the world to me to have this product back on the shelves.
  • Jesse Brown from Montrose,CA commented on 8/9/2012
    Primatene Mist is also useful in stopping anaphylactic shock. The ambulance that picks you up when you are gasping for air keeps an Epipen or other injector for epinipherin. The EPA has no business in the medical industry and I'm quite sure doctors would agree on this... unless they are in cahoots. I trust R.J. Reynolds more.
  • Julie Yanklowitz from Wailuku, HI commented on 8/9/2012
    Thank you so much for this information and your support of Asthma sufferers and their families. Without this information it is so hard to explain to those who do not suffer from this life-threatening condition why the legislation, H.R. 6190: Asthma Inhalers Relief Act of 2012, Rep. Burgess has introduced is so urgently needed. Ultimately, it would be wonderful to get our favorite OTC inhaler, Primatene Mist (HFA) version, pushed through the stalling FDA approval process, but this legislation is a good start.
  • Tracy from Lakehurst commented on 8/9/2012
    I'm happy congress is talking about the asthmatic rescue inhaler issue ( HFA doesn't work as well as the CFC propellants) and I hope it changes because LOTS of ppl are suffering now that there is no OTC inhaler and the loss of CFCs in rescue inhalers.
  • Tracy from Lakehurst commented on 8/9/2012
    Hope we get the Primatene Inhalers back !! I've had asthma all my life and the loss of PM is devastating to asthmatics that depended on it, with Primatene, many many asthmatics can live normal lives AND avoid the Emergency Room !!! It is cruel that EPA and FDA have absolutely no concept of how awful it is to have asthma and NO OTC inhaler anymore.
  • June Giacona from Cypress Texas commented on 8/10/2012
    I have used Primatene Mist for nearly 40 years , I depend on this medication and have never had any, no one bad side effect from using it . Using PM does not prevent me from seeing a Doctor , I have used several prescription medications both fast acting and long tern inhalers, some I have had very serious side effects from and others just don't work at all for me , some actually worsen my Asthma . I am still in shock that a product that has been in use for so many years has been banned with all the horrible warnings and side effects that go along with anything that is available to replace it .. There should be several over the counter medications for people suffering with asthma , there are millions of us .. Please don't make us beg for air , its not fair ... It would only take One Asthma attack for anyone that voted for this ban to change their vote - Trust Me Its a horrible feeling to gasp for air .. Please Bring Back Primatene Mist to the shelves , Not just the remaining units being stored , allow Armstrong / Ampastar pharmaceuticals to continue making this product , it is a good safe medication , and it works better than any prescription available . Thanks June J. Giacona
  • Lana from Savannah commented on 8/10/2012
    Please help us! We can't breathe!!
  • Kathleen from Midland TX commented on 8/13/2012
    Please help! We need an OTC inhaler. Ultimately, it would be wonderful to get our favorite OTC inhaler, Primatene Mist (HFA) version, pushed through the stalling FDA approval process, but this legislation is a good start.
  • Julie Yanklowitz from Wailuku, HI commented on 8/13/2012
    I myself am not asthmatic but my husband is. I belong to several FB groups, Bring Back My Primatene Mist, and Stop the Ban of Primatene MIst and to hear about the suffering and devastation among these victims of the FDA caused by removing their favorite rescue inhaler from the market without a suitable replacement that works is, to me, borderline criminal. Apparently, the PM inhaler works better than the prescription drug for many of them. Let's face it ER visits and Doctor prescriptions is certainly on the rise because of this insanity by the FDA. The situation that many of them, not being able to breathe well, is so heart wrenching for me that when I shared this blog with them, it brought quite a blast of hope into the camp. Thank-you again for posting this important information. Please keep up the good fight for the asthmatics.
  • Lauri Smith from High Point, NC commented on 8/14/2012
    First and foremost, I want to thank you Mr. Burgess for your support and all of your hard work for us. Since Primatene Mist was removed from the pharmacy shelves, my life has changed dramatically. I no longer have a job, I cannot go to the store, I cannot go outside on days that are hot or too cold. I cannot even do mundane things like housework. I cannot afford healthcare and so Primatene Mist was my lifeline to the world. Having access to my inhaler was the only way I was able to have a normal life. I was a productive citizen and a fairly active person. However, without my inhaler I am a prisoner in my own home. Please, give us our lifeline back! I want my life back! Thank you for your time in reading this. Sincerely, Lauri Smith
  • John from Jacksonville commented on 8/16/2012
    Many of us think Washington is completely in the pocket of special interest groups. The overwhelming evidence of this is proven by this issue. Both the drug and propellant are currently approved and being sold on a daily basis, but only if the deep pockets get their cut. It's a shame asthmatics cannot afford to BUY votes.
  • Darwin Jarrett II from Lorain, OH commented on 8/17/2012
    I was diagnosed with asthma late in life, around 33 or 34. Primatene Mist was the only medication that actually worked for me and was affordable enough for me to obtain. Then it is decided that it should be banned. I still don't understand the logic of that since so many of us have to literally fight for air now. Since Primatene Mist has been off the market my symptoms are worse and I can't function as I once did. The littlest exertion on my part can bring on an attack and the weather as well. And if it were not for my brothers help I could have ended up a fatality a couple of times. If I had had PM on my person this would not have been an issue. I tend not to trust politicians but it seems you are actually trying to do some good here with this. For that I thank you and I hope that you continue to do so.
  • Jeff Pehrson from San Francisco commented on 8/19/2012
    I just want to thank Congressman Burgess for championing our cause. Please continue to fight for us sir, we need our Primatene back. Not being able to breathe is a terrifying experience..
  • Lana from Tacoma commented on 8/24/2012
    I do not want to die! I am allergic to the FHA inhalers and the nebulizer treatments. When my Primatene Mist inhalers run out, I am going to die. PLEASE BRING THE OLD PRIMATENE MIST INHALERS BACK...My death could be prevented. THE FDA DOES NOT CARE ABOUT PEOPLE!
  • Trent from Aurora commented on 9/2/2012
    I've suffered from asthma all my life and I'm ecstatic to see they may come back. I have medical insurance with a typical albuterol inhalers but I kept one epinephrine inhaler on hand because it is much better at dealing with allergy related asthma attacks. Until the FDA gets off their rears and approves the new HFA inhalers Primatene Mist should be allowed on the market. It is my understanding that the FDA has been testing the new HFA inhalers since the winter of 2009.
  • Mark from Duluth, MN commented on 9/3/2012
    I have been using Primatene Mist for 40+ years as the only way to relieve seasonal wheezing. When I was a child, my pediatrician recommended PM for occasional use and relief from my breathing symptoms. I'm over 50 and not dead yet, but might have been were it not for PM's availability, and its ability to quickly restore my breathing . After Primatene disappeared from Walmart's shelves, I became confident, after listening to Congressman Burgess' testimony, that someday soon I would be able to purchase PM and breathe normally again. Let individual Americans and their doctors decide how to treat their medical conditions, not an unelected, uncaring bureaucracy like the FDA and EPA, or ESPECIALLY an international body who would dictate to America what THEY believe is best for Americans. I fully support Congressman Burgess' effort to give all Americans with asthema and breathing difficulties our breath back,,,,, };>{>
  • Dayna from Ohatchee commented on 9/3/2012
    Congressman Burgess, Thank you for your time and effort in the matter of asthmamatics and the ban on our right to life... I am sorry that you also suffer from asthma and like the rest of us lay victim to the FDA... I have used primatene mist for over 30 years and with the greatest of results. It is very upsetting that people are being paid to toy with peoples life... They should be categorized as hit men and punished by law as murders... I have said it a million times and I will say it again, I mean no harm but I wish they all for just a week could experience how it feels to not be able to breath... And to know that locked a way is their lively hood... What they need to have a some what normal life... I'm sure they would feel our anger... What happen to We The People.... And how do we Stand together One Nation Under God and get liberty and justices for all... Thank you for you fights for all that is right.... We need more government officials like you.... more you....
  • Dayna from Ohatchee commented on 9/3/2012
    Congressman Burgess, Thank you for your time and effort in the matter of asthmamatics and the ban on our right to life... I am sorry that you also suffer from asthma and like the rest of us lay victim to the FDA... I have used primatene mist for over 30 years and with the greatest of results. It is very upsetting that people are being paid to toy with peoples life... They should be categorized as hit men and punished by law as murders... I have said it a million times and I will say it again, I mean no harm but I wish they all for just a week could experience how it feels to not be able to breath... And to know that locked a way is their lively hood... What they need to have a some what normal life... I'm sure they would feel our anger... What happen to We The People.... And how do we Stand together One Nation Under God and get liberty and justices for all... Thank you for you fights for all that is right.... We need more government officials like you.... more you....
  • Loryn Lizmi from Houston commented on 9/3/2012
    Thank you congressman Burgess for your time and effort fighting for this cause. I have a family member who suffers from severe asthma and there are no other medications that help her. Some even made her asthma worse!! Primatene mist inhalers are her only relief. Since the ban she has done nothing but suffer. Please do what you can and bring back primatene mist inhalers.
  • John Martine from Maywood commented on 9/3/2012
    I dread the approach of autumn! I have no insurance and no doctor therefore no prescription. My asthma is allergy related and taking the over the counter off the market without a substitute is possibly going to end my existence before the year ends. Anyway, I am fairly certain that someone with a checkbook already made this decision last year.
  • June Giacona from Cypress Texas commented on 9/3/2012
    Asthmatics should not lose their right to live a normal productive life because someone wants to control which fast acting inhaler they think is best for a patient. Americans do need an OTC inhaler that is convenient , It seems like we're going back in time instead of forward like everything else . Why would this happen with a medication ( epinephrine ) that is ages old . People are suffering , really suffering .. I just can't understand how or why this would happen, actually the FDA themselves should of never allowed this to be pulled off the market , that's when the real danger began .. Things will only get worse without Primatene Mist being available , even those with Rx inhalers get in trouble and need this to be at their corner store .. Please continue to Stand up for us that are not given a voice or air to breathe
  • Rodney Brown from Houston commented on 9/3/2012
    I have used Primatene Mist for a long long time. I grew up with Asthma, used many different kinds of inhalers and by far Primatene worked the best for me with no side effects. I know a lot has been said about the fact that they have had plenty of time to get the non-CFC unit ready. I agree. I find it quite odd that the FDA cannot get this approved. Allowing this stored stock of Primatene could help cover a lot of cases in the meantime. Another FB group I haven't seen mentioned 'Bring Back Primatene Mist', has many many people begging for relief. A great deal have voiced that they would just like an answer on where this all stands. What we can do to help. Let us know where we stand.
  • Elaine from Kent commented on 9/3/2012
    I can no longer leave my house. I have a number of allergies and now there's no emergency inhaler that can help me. Albuterol simply doesn't work. Please, let me go out in the world again.
  • debra from montgomery commented on 9/3/2012
    i am 54 yrs old and have asthma since i was 2 yrs old (now have copd chronic asthma,chronic broncotis and emphysema i was treated with issuprell asthma mist inhaler as a child it was a prescription but then i started using primatene as i got older and have for 40 yrs with no side affects as with the meds im on like advair ,spriva and prescription fhas which are not a resuce inhaler they are for previtive they have all kinds of side affects they affect your sight (have had 2 cateract surgerys) and many more side affects we have right to treat our self it could have just saved medicare,medicade 20 thousand dollars for the 4 days i have been hospitalized give us our primatene inhalers back it our rights
  • Bruce from Ward commented on 9/4/2012
    Thank You for listing and helping us that suffer from asthma. I starting using Primatene around 10 and now in my 50s. I am sure I would not have lived this long if had not been for Primatene Mist. Do you know what its like to gasp for air...Primatene works! I am now having to go see a doc to get some inhaler that does not work! So because of this I am now buying Primatene tablets in bulk and taking 8 tablets a day...not very safe but I do breath a little better...Primatene Mist works and is sure a lot safer then taking 8 tablets a day. Who is in charge today, its like the lunatics are running the EPA, This in not freedom! I am sure the little amount of propellant in this bottle is not going to destroy the ozone layer! Primatene Mist works!!!!! Thank you, Congressman Burgess for taking up this fight!
  • John Leitner from Horn Lake MS commented on 9/4/2012
    I would like to say that I have been a user of Primatene Mist for over 40 years and when this was taken off the market it forced me into a panic much like millions of other Asthmatics who rely on this product to breathe. You have left a lot of us without any alternative over the counter medicine in the event of an Asthmatic emergency. We are forced to now seek an emergency room for treatment if an emergency room is even near by. In a rural area it actually might cost someone their life. Not everyone is able to afford or seek proper continuing treatment with prescription medication which personally does not work for me. Please revisit bringing back Primatene Mist as an exemption to the Montreal Protocol as this is a life and death decision...Thank You. John Leitner
  • Gwen from Farmer commented on 9/4/2012
    Thank you sir for your hard work. I would simply reiterate everything all the other commenters have stated here. I also pray Primatene Mist will be manufactured again, I pray it won't be priced out of our pocketbook/wallet range, (IF you can find it online these days, the vultures are selling it for $230-$260). So many thousands depended on this product to live normal lives. There is NOTHING available by prescription that give the instant relief from a breathing attack like Primatene Mist does, so please tell that to your fellow legislators who are getting paid by the drug companies to vote against this. I HAVE insurance, if there WAS a prescription available that relieved an attack INSTANTLY as Primatene Mist does, I would certainly be using it, but alas.....
  • Kathy Griggs from Cleburne commented on 9/4/2012
    Please bring Primatene Mist Inhaler back! It's so scary to know it's no longer available, and the inhaler I have is nearly empty. It's just plain out unfair to all of the thousands (probably more) of people who rely on this product for QUICK relief. It's mean, actually. It doesn't make sense that this would knowingly be removed from the market by the "powers that be" without having a replacement inhaler in place, or making Primatene where these "powers" wouldn't be so paranoid about it. The reason for the removal of Primatene is ridiculous anyway. I'm guessing we need to put a stop to all these steam ships, diesel engines, factories, and all the other things that actually ARE hurting the ozone. Please, it's common sense. Just give us back our breath.....we need it, same as those who do not suffer from respiratory ailments. Do the right thing.
  • Kristin Graef from Wyoming, Michigan commented on 9/4/2012
    It simply was not right to have removed Primatene from the market but still allow all sorts of questionable hair products and air fresheners that are unnecessary and detrimental to our ozone layer. Absolutely makes no sense, especially if we see the irony that these products, which are allowed, trigger asthma symptoms in some people who no longer have the medication to relieve them!
  • Alecia from Wyoming commented on 9/4/2012
    Thank you Mr. Burgess , we all are so glad you can be our voice. I have been using primatene mist since I was 13 now I'm 30. I have been on several prescribed medications from doctors that never worked for me. The newest is the hfa inhaled proair widget I use 20 times a day because it isn't working . I always had primatene mist to back up what the prescribed meds. couldn't do and that was to atomatically stop an asthma attack from happening. Never have I had a reaction to primatene mist but with the prescribed medications I now shake uncontrolably and still unable to breath .I no longer have that relief to breath comfortably with PM gone . I am also a mother of three who needs to be active but now I and many others can't do that do to the fda and epa. I use about 20 times a day more with my hfa with no relief in my asthma. Plus if I run out to early the pharmacy will not release a new inhaler till the amounted if I needed more help not breathing. I need to be active I now have to avoid any physical activity with my kids wich is very upsetting to me and my family . I can no longer go to the gym to work out. I am extremely afraid with the colder weather creeping around the corner that something bad might happen. I just want my rescue inhaled back the one that actually worked in an emergency there isn't anything else that world for me. Thank you for taking your time out of your day to read this and for standing up for everyone like me. Sincerely Alecia from Wyoming.
  • Randy from Sylmar, CA commented on 9/5/2012
    It concerns me that they are using the issue of the CFCs to keep asthmatics from having the option of using Primatene as a rescue inhaler. CFCs are still allowed as a refrigerant for air conditioning in older model cars. So, I guess the EPA is prioritizing a car owner's comfort as being of higher importance than an asthmatic's health.
  • Vinny from Orlando, FL commented on 9/5/2012
    I watched the hearing a couple of months ago and was more confused about the Montreal Protocol. If CFC's are the issue, then why are prescription meds still available? If it's the "dangerous drug", epinephrine, then why was has Nephron Pharmaceuticals been able to get their inhaler approved? We need answers in the asthma community! I used Primatene Mist since I was a teenager. I am 61, with no ill side effects. Asthmanefrin is a welcome substitute, but the procedure to keep the nebulizer clean will cause issues for people with certain disabilities. I am using it and it is effective. I have been without any meds since the ban. I have no health insurance and my family doctor will not write a script without a gang of tests to document I have asthma, which I can afford. We NEED Primatene back on the shelves NOW and we NEED Primatene HFA approved yesterday. The hearing proved to me that there is another agenda that we in the public are not aware of. Please do not let this issue get pushed under the rug or let partisan politics bury this. The alternative is that you in Congress will be burying more and more of us. Thank you for your time.
  • Jeff from E. Wenatchee commented on 9/5/2012
    I have used Primatine for over 30 years also without any ill effects. It offers INSTANT relief of my asthma symptoms. Unfortunately, with it pulled from the shelves, I am forced to go to the clinic and pay them LOTS of $$$$ (that I really don't have at the moment because of this terrible economy) for a prescription of Albuteral that doesn't work that well. It is only going to be a matter of time before I get really sick and end up in the hostpital like I did a bunch of times when I was a child (before I discovered Primatine). These people that are involved in Primatine's ban should be thrown in jail for assult on the American people that suffer from asthma. Come on, we know it wasn't pulled from the shelves due to the Ozone - that was just an excuse for the big drug companies to get it pulled because it directly competed with their product. It is all about revenues!!! I hope we can get this back on the market soon so us asthma sufferers can get some relief!! J
  • BIll Brown from Quincy, IL commented on 9/6/2012
    I am 38 Years Old, I started out as a provental Inhaler user prescribed by my doctor, I no longer have insurance and I have been using primatene mist for several years up until they pulled it from the shelves, currently I am using abuteral and flowvent , these two items get me buy but just barely, nothing worked like primatene. Its just not fare that we as Americans have to fall victum to the higher ups, put yourselfs in our shoes, try holding your breath under water for as long as you can, when you cannot breath you come up for air, us asthma patients dont have that choice, we cannot just COME UP FOR AIR, it dosnt go away, Primatene Mist allowed me to come up for air, its just not right to know that my government took that relief away from me,
  • Bill Brown from Quincy, IL commented on 9/6/2012
    I am 38 Years Old, I started out as a provental Inhaler user prescribed by my doctor, I no longer have insurance and I have been using primatene mist for several years up until they pulled it from the shelves, currently I am using abuteral and flowvent , these two items get me buy but just barely, nothing worked like primatene. Its just not fare that we as Americans have to fall victum to the higher ups, put yourselfs in our shoes, try holding your breath under water for as long as you can, when you cannot breath you come up for air, us asthma patients dont have that choice, we cannot just COME UP FOR AIR, it dosnt go away, Primatene Mist allowed me to come up for air, its just not right to know that my government took that relief away from me
  • Sandra from Lemoyne, PA commented on 9/7/2012
    I really hope Primatene comes back. I suffer asthma symptoms very rarely- a few days in the spring and a few in the fall. I do have health insurance, but deductibles and co-pays make it pretty useless. The specialist I saw had a whole battery of tests he wanted to do (none covered) and required multiple visits per year to write a prescription for albuterol.He also wanted to write prescriptions for 2 daily controller meds. I only have symptoms 6-7 days a year! why would I need daily medication? As a stay at home mom with four kids finding childcare for even one appointment is difficult. I got the prescription ($50) and used it once before it expired- the next time I needed it, I couldn't have it refilled without another appointment which I couldn't even schedule because the doctor was booked- by the time he could see me I didn't need it. I just suffer through and figure I'll end up in the ER if it gets to the point where I can't.
  • Robin Thomas from gaffney, sc commented on 9/7/2012
    Please bring back over the counter Primatene Mist, people are dying to breath
  • Ann from Denver commented on 9/9/2012
    THE feeling of one’s airway passages closing is like diving off the high dive, coming up and someone dunks your head back down again. The body panics and parts fly about. uncontrollably. I have a pre-existing condition deeming me ‘uninsurable’ It would really help out the budget if Primatene is brought back. Thanks for your consideration.
  • Kathy Crawford from New York, NY commented on 9/10/2012
    Thank you, Dr. Burgess. It is critical for asthmatics both with and without health insurance. As a child of a single mom who tried to make ends meet, Primatene greatly reduced trips to the emergency room. At the time, we didn't have resources to get me into weekly treatments to manage my asthma. I can't imagine what it would have done to my mother, financially, had Primatene not been accessible. Today, as an adult with health insurance, OTC/Primatene is still just as important. Three weeks ago, I misplaced my inhaler on the way to work and due to refill issues, pharmacy out-of-stock, etc., it took me nearly a day to obtain a replacement inhaler. Meanwhile, I became increasingly congested, my chest tightened, I had made plans to go to the emergency room. Never happened during the "Primatene years!" Maintenance-wise, Singular and Primatene have been perfect for me, but now through trial/error, I use Pro Air. Like the others, it's either slower acting than PM, not as effective, or both. And they come with side effects. But, hey, I gotta breath, right? So that's my story, but know this: Since asthma is a sudden, life-threatening disease, asthmatics deserve immediate treatment. Please get it back on the shelf.
  • Kathy Crawford from New York, NY commented on 9/10/2012
    Forgot to add in my last post that I have used Primatene Mist since since the mid 1970s. I suffered an asthma attack at summer camp, and a counselor went to the drug store and purchased a vial of Primatene Mist. And it's been my go to ever since. Over the many years, I never experienced a side effect from PM. And although my lungs remain strong (I still get tested on peak flow meters), they were stronger and less constricted with Primatene (and Singular, 10 mg tablets). Simply put, for me, nothing has worked as well as Primatene Mist. Thank you again, Dr. Burgess for your efforts on this!
  • Brian Brown from Denver, CO commented on 9/10/2012
    I hope you are fighting to get this act repealed. This product saves my life on a regular basis. This seems to be a careless act of an uninformed government committee. Thank you so much for setting the facts straight. I do not know where I would be in life without this product, most likely dead, as I did not have insurance for years and sometimes suffered attacks so severe that I was barely able to draw enough breathe to use my inhaler. This medicine is live saving, how much of the CFC propellent could possible go in the atmosphere anyway? Most of it goes in my mouth! Please return this critical product to the market!
  • Julie Yanklowitz from Wailuku, HI commented on 9/10/2012
    Thank you for approving this bill to move forward, but time is so critical now to get it passed into law. For those members who do not have asthma, please visit the Homepage for our Facebook group, "Bring Back MY Primatene Mist", and see for yourselves the supporting information and testimonies of asthma patients who desperately need their favorite rescue inhaler back in the OTC market place. The loss of this essential inhaler Primatene Mist is causing them much devastation financially, and in quality of life. They deserve to be able to get this inhaler back in the market place while awaiting approval of the new Primatene HFA inhaler from the FDA. Please help them by passing this bill in the House and Senate expediently. This has become an emergency crisis for them. There is no substitute or effective alternative available at this time for asthma patients, even with the new OTC atomizer product from Nephron Pharmaceuticals, called Asthmanefrin. This is not a rescue inhaler at all and those who have used it so far have posted in our FB group that it doesn't really help them all that much and is extremely expensive compared to Primatene Mist. Millions of asthma patients who relied on Primatene Mist are suffering now because of the ban of PM, while millions of Americans still drive cars that use CFC air conditioning in their car. This is a total injustice. PM CFC inhalers were the most miniscule, very least of the supposed ozone layer depletion substances compared to that. I would think the soaring taxpayer burden from the increasing ER and hospitalization expenses for asthma patients would be an alarming concern for all members of Congress. Meanwhile, the very breath of life is at stake for the asthmatic patients in this country. It's a small thing to ask; please don't brush this one aside as being unimportant.
  • Darwin Jarrett II from Lorain, OH commented on 9/10/2012
    Again, I'd like to thank you for your support of Ashthatics. Although Asthanefrin has hit the market we still need Primatene Mist. PM works better and is instantaneous in most cases. AN is not. Thank you again sir.
  • Paula from Milford, CT. commented on 9/21/2012
    Please bring back the OTC Primatene Mist inhaler! I had been using PM for years, with no ill effects. It is essential that there is an OTC option available at 2am at the all-night grocery or drug store. There is no reason I should be forced to go to the emergency room, where I am taking up everyone's time not to mention the insurance cost, when I could deal with the situation cheaply and easily on my own.
  • Kevin Chmielowiec from Canyon Texas commented on 9/23/2012
    Thank You so very much for supporting us who have asthma. I am 45 and have been a user of Primatene since before I was a teenager. I had been prescribed all types of other inhalers and nothing ever worked as well as Primatene. I am 44 and now that it is no longer available for almost a year now I have struggled with my asthma. I for one cannot afford to pay the doctor every time I need an inhaler, Let alone afford the price of them. I have read that they have a new "formula" for Primatene that Armstrong has that is CFC free. So what is the hold up. How many people may possibly end up hospitalized or die before something is done?? Please continue to push for answers, Thank You Kevin Chmielowiec
  • Ray Wright from Perris, CA commented on 10/16/2012
    Asthma inhalers deplete the ozone layer?? Who could be THAT stupid?!?!?!?
  • Kristine from Detroit commented on 10/17/2012
    Thank you for supporting so many people who are currently struggling to breathe. My asthma is adult onset after an intense exposure to black mold. Over the last year I have been trying to get it stabilized without insurance (I'm self employed and own my business, but don't have the funds to pay for my own insurance.) Without insurance I am barely able to afford the tests and doctor appointments, and often just goes days on end coughing every minute I am conscious, vomiting from the coughing, and find it difficult to work. As a female business owner in the first five years of being an entrepreneur, this is devastating to my business. Sometimes I have to make choices between eating and affording medications and appointments. Having access to primatene mist during the months I cannot afford the appointments, further testing, etc., is a life saver. I, like most of the people here expressing themselves, just want to have a normal life, and just want to breathe. I'm sure there are many, many epa violations going on that could be given more focus. Why not put primatene back on the market since it's so important to so many people's healths, and come down harder on other offenders who are guilty of this same issue, but do not give health benefits to our citizens.
  • Mark Gray from Ventura CA commented on 10/19/2012
    As a lifelong asthma sufferer I want to organize my fellow Primatene Mist users and have us all contact every media and every politician out there because this issue is extremely under-reported and the politicians uner-motivated. It is NOT a matter of life or breath, it IS a matter of life or death. I want a study of increased asthma and COPD emergency room visits AND DEATHS... but most importantly, we need to organize and motivate the politicians RIGHT NOW, ASAP... I just started a YouTube Channel called MyPrimateneMist - Check it out and join me. If we do not help ourselves, who will? Before I paid under $20 for Primatene Mist OTC (over the counter) but now I had to make a $300 Urgent Care visit and then pay over $50 for a prescription inhaler that did not work 20% as well as PM. Are poor people now expected to pay hundreads more? No, it is our tax dollars that will pay for increased emergency room visits and $50 inhalers, nebulizers etc etc etc... Follow the money and it is very easy to see that other $50 PRESCRIPTION inhalers WITH CFCs are left on the shelves for big pharma but not our one and only inexpensive OTC PM inhaler. Join me on YouTube. I will start posting videos ASAP. Send me you stories and videos too.
  • Katherine from Baton Rouge commented on 10/20/2012
    Please bring back my Primatene Mist. I need it as a rescue inhaler for sudden bouts of asthma. I have used this for 40 years with no side effects and I appreciate your work in trying to get this safe medication back on the market.
  • Katherine from Baton Rouge commented on 10/20/2012
    Thank you for supporting our cause. Primatene Mist has been my rescue inhaler for 40 years and I have never had any problems. It is safe, effective and affordable and appears to be needed by many. When the EPA banned my Primatene Mist, I never dreamed so many would speak out in support of repealing this ban. Can something that helps so many, be bad? Please continue to help bring back my Primatene Mist.
  • Mychelle from Exmore commented on 10/24/2012
    We need Primatene back to have normal lives that don't involve costly doctor visits and prescriptions - that don't even work as well as Primatene. Knowing that relief was available in your nearby drugstore made life comfortable to live and brought such peace of mind. I have used Primatene for decades with no side effects at all except quick long lasting relief from occassional asthma. PLEASE help us!
  • Shawn from Phoenix commented on 10/24/2012
    My parents moved to Arizona back in the 80's due to the low pollen counts in the area (which isn't the case today). My childhood was filled with ER visits, allergy prick tests, and hours on the business end of ventilators. That was until my dad one day brought home this curious little bottle called Primatene Mist saying, "someone at work said this might help you". Up until January 1st, 2012, Primatene Mist had a home on my nightstand and I honestly contribute my quality of life to that small miracle in a bottle. I can't begin to tell you how important it is to champion the cause for asthmatics across the country. Our lives literally depend on it. We asthmatics owe you a debt of gratitude.
  • Billyjoe Jimbob from Gurley commented on 10/24/2012
    This guy and I don't agree on anything except this. Until my son can get affordable health care under the Affordable Care Act (ObamaCare), he is at the mercy of a disease which, when it strikes, makes him feel as if he's suffocating to death. Outlawing a drug that works without providing an alternative is immoral, I don't care who did it.
  • Jesse from Montrose commented on 10/24/2012
    This whole issue smacks of payola. Someone's palm has been greased and the more you read the more apparent it becomes. EPA practicing medicine, FDA dragging their feet to Approve the new Primatene, Doctors avoiding the Primatene question (especially at the VA). None seem to know what a rescue inhaler is but epinephrine is in the ambulance. Does the White House have a stash of Primatene?
  • chris from fayetteville, nc commented on 10/24/2012
    having used primatene mist since i was 16 (now am 64), i am at a loss without it since it works better than other inhalers. of all the environmental factors that congress can improve, why did they choose to eliminate the one medication that facilitates BREATHING for so many of us. please make primatene accessible to those who need it. thank you for your time.
  • J. from Giacona commented on 10/24/2012
    I am a life long user of Primatene Mist , I urge you to please pass this bill and allow this inhaler back on the shelf . I have been so stressed over this ban , it's all I can think about , so much for carrying on with a normal life knowing my last few inhalers will be gone soon . I have doctors and Rx inhalers , these fast acting inhalers are almost useless to me , they do not offer enough relief to live a normal life. I'm always in constant fear an attack can come at anytime . I have now purchased the new OTC Asthmanefrin and have been trying to use it as often as possible , I have had several side effects that I wasn't happy with ( headache, cough and drying of the nasal , but I continue to use this because it has epinephrine which I know has helped me for well over 40 years , What a mess I'm in , trying to get this atomizer to work in the middle of the night requires lights on whether I already have the medication in the machine or not, after getting a couple of inhalations and coughing , I'm pretty much awake , so it takes me a couple of hours to return to sleep , at which time I usually need another treatment due to being anxious knowing I have grandchildren to get on the school bus with very little sleep behind me. Why Asthmatics are being made to suffer in this way I will never understand .. Now my grandchildren are family are feeling the effects of the ban .. I am one angry person most of the time .. I would appreciate anyone standing up for the millions of people that can not breathe , get us back an Inhaler that works . We should not have to settle for less , Everyone deserves to breathe . I don't know what's happened to the America I once knew ....
  • Lisa from Houston commented on 10/24/2012
    God Bless you for championing this cause. I have been using Primatine for 30 years with no side effects or problems despite what Monica Kraft (supported by drug makers for prescription inhalers) says. I still remember the day my mom brought it home. I have tried prescriptions which were a waste of money for the drug and the doctor visit because the ingredients did not work for me. I am now terrified to death that I will have an attack prior to this getting back on the market. I hope that you will be able to pass this bill and will do whatever you think will help with this endeavor. How can they take this off the market and still have so many other products that have to have more of a cfc content than would be released through my body after being inhailed. Please let me if there is anything else I can do besides posting on facebook and obtaining signatures for the petition. We need to get the backstock into the market place and bring back our Primatine!
  • Jeanie from Baton Rouge. LA commented on 10/24/2012
    Thank you for your support of my cause to Bring Back My Primatene Mist. I, like many others, have used this OTC rescue inhaler for most of my life. There are certain times of the year that trigger asthma attacks and Primatene Mist has saved my life more than once. I have never had an adverse side effect and cannot understand why the FDA and EPA feel the need to ban and recall this product. If this product is not allowed back on the market, a lot of people will continue to suffer needlessly on a daily basis. This medication was readily available and very affordable. I am self-employed and I do not have health insurance nor a PCP. Please continue to support this issue and thank you for your service.
  • Joshua M. from Pflugerville, Tx commented on 10/25/2012
    Really having problems without primatene mist. For the Ozone? Really? It is breated into my lungs filtered and then exhaled. Let's get real. We need this. Can't we compress the bottles with air to propel the drug?
  • Jim Harwood from Norman OK commented on 11/4/2012
    I refuse to beleive the claim that Primatene Mist or any asthma medicine inhaler, if properly used, can harm the environment or ozone to any extent. It is not sprayed into the air like sprays that do harm the environment and ozone. All of it is inhaled into the lungs. That it was banned for the reason given indicates gross ignorance of how the product is used. I need it for convenience for when and where I can't easily take a Primatene Tablets, as well as for faster recovery. I don't like dealing with doctors for prescriptions. I was getting a prescription version, which worked well, until my doctor refused to renew it and demanded I start using the inhaled powder of the Advair Diskus. I know he did that for the kickback reward from GlaxoSmithKline, rather than any care for my health. I refused. So he dropped me as a patient, and had me blacklisted so no other doctor here in Norman OK will accept me as a patient, because I was not cooperating with treatment - his way or the highway, as if I have no patient rights. I just want to be able to buy what I need for my health without all of the trouble. Pharmacists have been more helpful to me than doctors.
  • H. G. from Centralia commented on 11/7/2012
    The whole ozone-CFC thing is blatantly false. The idea that the trace amounts found in inhalers are damaging it is downright ludicrous. It is a feeble attempt to justify real people suffering and suffocating right now in the name of imaginary people that don't exist in a pretend future no one can predict. All so certain people can make believe they are smarter and kinder and otherwise superior the rest of humanity. It has never been anything else. I've been using Primatene since 1979. For the first time in my life I'm forced to rely on other people's money (that's you, taxpayers) to try to treat my asthma, going to doctors who push products proven to only worsen the condition. These greenie lunatics have destroyed my quality of life and stolen my dignity, security and pride. All I ever wanted was to be left alone. This bill doesn't go far enough. I will never support any representative who supports any UN program ever again. You people are no longer our protectors, you are our masters and murderers. Those of you missing Primatene, just wait till you see what Agenda21 has in store. We need to get the UN out of the US NOW. By any means necessary.
  • Kevin Burgess from Green Valley, AZ commented on 11/11/2012
    Limited Emergency Albuterol should be made available without prescription 'over the counter', instead of bad placebo 'drugs' like Primatene Mist. PM is really crap, and can allow someone in serious pulmonary arrest to think they are resolving the issue, when in fact it has very limited clinical benefit for anything but the most mild Asthmatic attacks. That said, there is no reasonable excuse for the EPA banning the minute amounts of propellants in PM. The good news is that a crushed-dry version of the same active ingredient can easily replace the aerosolized propellant canisters for those who would choose PM over better medicines.
  • Kathy Middleton from Hiram GA commented on 11/11/2012
    Please bring back my Primatene Mist. I need it as a rescue inhaler for sudden bouts of asthma. I have used this for 40 years with no side effects and I appreciate your work in trying to get this safe medication back on the market. Thank you for your support of my cause to Bring Back My Primatene Mist
  • Joanne LonsdaleHappypoodl from Indiana pa commented on 11/11/2012
    Thank you Dr. Burgess for all your hard work on trying to bring Primatene Mist back for us asthma sufferers.Primatene Mist has been the only inhaler that has worked for me for over 45 years . I totally am dependent on this product.I have insurance and can afford to get other medications however Primatene Mist is what keeps me well.I am now suffering greatly and the quality of my life is poor.I beg you to make them see that to cause people to suffer unnecessarily is what they are doing. I feel as though I will die without it very soon. I thank you very much for your time consideration and effort in helping us all. If I need to help in anyway please feel free to call me and I will do what I can to help myself and others bring Primatene back.Thank you !
  • Jesse Brown from Montrose commented on 11/14/2012
    I feel as though the EPA was coerced or is in collusion with the FDA to make Primatene a prescription drug. Our system of "checks and balances" appears to be in a mode favoring the pharmaceutical companies and the AMA. The FDA and EPA want to control what we eat, breath see or hear. This is old stuff not of the American way but of the U.N. The trend to control over the counter drugs for the profit gain in insurance premiums or just higher cash prices are the root of this government scam. The so-called substitute rescue inhaler is anything but that. It's cumbersome, time consuming and expensive. The time lost on this issue is disrupting and endangering lives in a criminal way. The EPA has no business practicing medicine. Other Over the counter "drugs" are disappearing also. Keep your eyes and ears open while the shysters fold their money.
  • Gerald Farren from Sacramento, Ca. commented on 11/16/2012
    I am hopeful that your efforts to bring back Primatene Mist will be successful. This is the only medication that works for me. When I have an attack and find it very diffucult to breathe, I get immediate relief from Primatene Mist. I am on my last one and don't know what will happen if I can't get more. Surely, the amount of damage to the ozone layer is insignificant from this medication, and the quality of life for asthma sufferers will be saved and unnecessary suffering avoided if the medication is made available. Thank you for your efforts.
  • Brennan from Beresford commented on 11/19/2012
    The primary reason that asthma is a life-threatening condition is because people self-medicate, and do not avail themselves of proper diagnosis and treatment for their condition. Asthma questionaires are readily available online, and Allergists are readily available for consultation and treatment. There is much greater potential danger in a person repeatedly buying OTC asthma relievers without having a definite diagnosis and prescribed medication. Inhaled epinephrine should be banned. An alternative would be to have albuterol inhalers, a safer medication, available "behind the counter," like Sudafed, so that the pharmacist could dispense this after the patient has completed a symptom questionaire and been interviewed.
  • Carlo from New York commented on 11/26/2012
    I was diagnosed with asthma when I was four since I inherited it from my grandmother. I didn't know that it would create a colossal impact in my lifestyle. While I was having my duty as a nurse in a government hospital, I started to wheeze accompanied with a minor chest pain. That was my worst asthma attack and I was saved since the ward has a nebulizer. After that moment, I created my own blog and gave updates related to pulmonary disorders including asthma. With the help of, more and more people visited my blog until today. I do hope that my blog can reach those countries where asthma is prevalent.
  • Jamie Moe from San Dimas CA commented on 11/27/2012
    I am recently out of work which means no insurance. I was born with asthma and do not know how I will survive without it. If those of you have ever NOT BEEN ABLE TO BREATHE you will never understand. This inhaler is in no way something that is taken for granted. Please bring this product back for us who suffer.
  • Mike from Tampa commented on 11/27/2012
    Thanks to Doc Burgess for taking on this critical issue. There is simply no logical argument for the banning of this product before the benefit of a replacement. More especially, it is a kin to the infliction of cruelty to deny the release of an existing stockpile. That's like denying bread to the hungry because it was baked in the wrong pan. Madness. I would have the supporters of this ban experience the pain and the fear of an hours long asthma attack before asking them to repeat their position.
  • jeff from raphine commented on 12/3/2012
    pharm.comp.knew about this since 2008 and didnt start developing and seeking aproval till 2012.just another fine example of lets see how much money we can milk out of the little guy.must of had excess supplies of albutoral.not to mention the medical industry was missing out on a bunch of otc users sure amphstar was paid off to take their sweet time by medical lobbiest.just another fine example of what goes on in washington to get over on the little man
  • Trent Porter from Nanuet commented on 12/10/2012
    The battle of rhetoric between asthmatics and those who ostensibly represent us has been hard fought in the media and within internet chat-rooms ever since CFC-inhalers were deemed non-essential and thus banned under the Montreal Protocol. Years ago, I read the transcript of the 2006 FDA advisory panel debate that voted 11-7 to ban Primatene Mist with equal measures of horror and disbelief. However I assumed that rational heads and good government would prevail and I went on with career and family, leaving the debate to the people who had the time. Now, with a stockpile of Primatene in a drawer and few options when they either run out or expire, I find myself compelled to add my voice to the debate. I am sure you have already heard both sides of the debate. On the one side, vocal activists such as Nancy Sander, founder of Allergy & Asthmatic Network Mothers of Asthmatics (“AANMA”), but otherwise a layperson without medical training, and Dr. Leslie Hendeles, a pharmacist and “consultant to the FDA”. On the other side: hundreds of thousands of terrified asthmatics. The outcry from the asthmatics has been, as one might expect, far less organized than the well-oiled propaganda machine on the other side of the debate. Our collective complaints have vaguely coalesced around several critical issues: 1) Rescue inhalers using HFA as a propellant instead of CFC simply do not work, or even make our asthma worse. 2) The availability of an effective OTC rescue inhaler is critical to quality of life, and can save lives. 3) The ban of Primatene Mist, (and indeed the switch from CFC to HFA inhalers due to the concomitant switch from generic to “re-patented” medications) will have a disproportionate impact on the low income and the uninsured. 4) There is an angry under-current of skepticism that aptly points out that: the CFC released by asthma inhalers into the atmosphere is negligible and therefore our lives are being jeopardized for political expediency; the CFC ban has been a windfall for the pharmaceutical companies (and a potential windfall for doctors when there is no longer an OTC alternative). 5) Although the switch to HFA was supported by clinical studies, these studies were limited and encompassed only individuals with mild or moderate asthma. Moreover, no comprehensive post-marketing studies have been done, despite serious concerns that have been raised about efficacy and the presence of known inflammatory agents such as ethanol in HFA. The response from the HFA proponents (and Primatene opponents) has been: 1) Asthmatics only believe that HFA inhalers are not effective because HFA inhalers are “less forgiving” of improper use, and patients are not using them correctly. 2) Primatene Mist is less effective and has more serious side effects than prescription alternatives. 3) Prescription rescue inhalers are only modestly more expensive than Primatene Mist, and require fewer inhalations than Primatene, therefore there is little actual cost difference. 4) Primatene users are asthmatics who are either: poor/uninsured and mistakenly believe that Primatene is cheaper; not taking the disease seriously and irresponsibly self-medicating. With the debate thus outlined, I hope to inject some common sense from the perspective of an asthmatic into the debate. From the viewpoint of an asthmatic, common sense appears to be sorely lacking from the HFA proponent/anti-Primatene camp, but I am not certain that this would be apparent to a non-asthmatic. I. On the issue of HFA’s efficacy Congress and the general public are being asked to swallow an incredible story. Millions of asthmatics who rely on a fairly simple device (an inhaler) for breath have convinced themselves that it doesn’t work, because we are not correctly cleaning the inhaler, shaking it, priming it, and then inhaling from it. Alternatively, the medication is working, but because it tastes different, or because the spray is not the cold spray we are used to, we are not aware that it is working. That desperate struggle for breath that we have been living with all of our lives is now simply in our heads. This sounds a lot like the “emperor’s new clothes”, but the consequences are not his subjects must see their emperor in his birthday suit, but that the lives of hundreds of thousands of Americans are being put in jeopardy. A number of physicians have posited that asthmatics, many of whose asthma is triggered by allergic reaction to irritants are allergic to the ethanol ingredient in 3 out of 4 HFA inhalers. Others suggest that for those with severe asthma, the less powerful spray is insufficient to drive the medication into our lungs. There could be an entirely different explanation, it has never been studied. But let’s assume for argument’s sake that the thousands of asthmatics complaining that HFA inhalers are ineffective are in fact just using the devices incorrectly – even those who complain after receiving detailed instructions from their doctor or pharmacist. If this is the case, and use of the device necessary for asthmatics from all walks of life to breathe requires mastery of an art akin to riding a unicycle while juggling, then perhaps the FDA and the pharmaceutical giants should go back to the drawing board. As for me, I am a 45 year old CPA, CFA and a Wall Street analyst. I have no impairment of dexterity or lack of competence with mechanical devices. In fact I am a private pilot and I play the saxophone reasonably well. I visit my doctor regularly and I comply with my maintenance prescriptions religiously. One would think that I would be more than capable of using the HFA inhalers correctly. For whatever reason, CFC inhalers invariably work for me, and HFA inhalers only serve to make my asthma worse. With only HFA-albuterol at my disposal, a mild tightness of breath will progress to a full-blown asthma attack. The trouble with that is that although I have been treated by the best and the brightest pulmonologists and asthma specialists for 30+ years, and I consider my asthma to be fairly well controlled today, I still need a rescue inhaler once or twice a day. II. OTC availability is critical to quality of life A question arose during the 2006 FDA Advisory Panel’s inquiry as to whether there were more asthma related deaths in other countries that did not have an OTC inhaler. No one in the room had the answer to this question. However, there being no asthmatics in attendance (shockingly, Nancy Sander long time layperson opponent or Primatene was the only “Patients Representative” present), it never occurred to anyone to ask whether the availability of an OTC inhaler improved the quality of life/standard of living for asthmatics in the United States versus those in other countries. Should we stop funding VRS for the deaf, or stop mandating handicapped access for those Americans in wheelchairs, or remove painless blood testing devices for diabetics, simply because these conveniences are not available in other countries? You might think that such analogies are an exaggeration when compared to OTC rescue inhalers for asthmatics. I assure you that they are not. The problem with reliance on a prescription for a rescue inhaler is that we are rationed only 1 per month, and we can only purchase one with a prescription. Because of the availability of Primatene OTC, I am afforded the ability to keep “back-ups”. I have 2 in the office, several in my car, 2 in my gym bag and so on. Is this because I am over-using or abusing Primatene? Of course not. I take one or two puffs a day if needed. I keep these backups because I am all too familiar with the potentially catastrophic consequences of finding myself without one. Imagine finding yourself on a long flight, or a ship without a fully equipped medical station, or camping in the wilderness, and discovering that your one inhaler is empty, lost, or forgotten. The anti-Primatene camp argues that the asthmatic who takes his/her asthma seriously will never be without a prescription inhaler, and in any event should rush to an emergency room at the first hint of an attack. Can they be serious? Who among us has not lost or forgotten the car keys, a purse or wallet, a wedding ring, the baby bottle. Unfortunately, the asthmatic needs to be sure to not only pack the inhaler, but that the inhaler is full. And for the asthmatic, the consequences of such a mental lapse are far greater than the consequences of forgetting a wallet. No, we asthmatics do not use Primatene because we do not take asthma seriously enough. We asthmatics use Primatene precisely because we recognize just how serious asthma can be. III. On the issue of Primatene’s relative efficacy and risk We are not losing this life-saving medication because a lack of efficacy or because of dangerous side-effects. Nevertheless, those in the anti-Primatene camp insist on framing the issue in a medical context. For example, in a recent letter to Congress, the AANMA writes “Two inhalations of epinephrine provide breathing relief and serious side effects for approximately 15-30 minutes, whereas two inhalations of prescription bronchodilators, which is the recommended medication by NIH, last 3-6 hours with less unwanted cardio stimulation.” These are impressive prose for someone without medical training. Unfortunately, the entire sentence is false and unsupported by fact. A simple perusal of studies posted on the NIH’s website can quickly put this issue to rest. For example, the “Conclusion” from a 2005 study is copied verbatim below: “Epinephrine was nearly as effective as albuterol in terminating an acute episode of airway obstruction but without cardiovascular effects in these otherwise healthy young adults.” Common sense is also instructive however. Primatene has been the leading OTC medication for asthma for almost 40 years. If the product was only effective for 15-30 minutes, forcing asthmatics to inhale over and over again without ultimate resolution, would consumers have continued to buy the product? Note: It is also worth noting that epinephrine is also a bronchodilator. This leads the careful reader to wonder whether Ms. Sander is being intentionally misleading. While she has no medical background, she has been at this for long enough to know better. More to the point, the patient has a right to choose! As Americans, we have the right to drink ourselves to death, to smoke several packs of Marlboro daily, to eat fast food until we are too obese to support our own weight. We are also entitled to choose whether or not to have a whole myriad of elective but dangerous surgeries. Moreover, I defy you to find a medication without a plethora of side-effects, many of which are potentially life threatening. As an American I can choose to fly a plane, ride a motorcycle, hang-glide, scuba dive and sky dive. However, if I am asthmatic, I am not free to choose between being handicapped/homebound, or using a medication with side effects. As I mentioned above, we Primatene users are generally portrayed in an extremely negative light. It has been suggested that we use Primatene because we are not sophisticated enough to understand the risks. I doubt this is true for any asthmatic. For most asthmatics, the disease is omnipresent and rarely far from our mind. Like any other patient with a chronic disease, we gather as much information as we can on the subject. I have read every scrap of literature available on asthma for more than 30 years. I suspect that like myself, every asthmatic from every walk of life is capable of reading the label. It is the responsibility of the medical profession to diagnose, treat and advise. It is our right as patients to choose. IV. Cost comparisons are flawed. The uninsured and underinsured will suffer. The anti-Primatene camp argues that Primatene is only slightly less expensive than prescription alternatives, and therefore removing Primatene from the market will not jeopardize the uninsured or the poor. This purported modest cost differential has certainly not been my experience. However, for argument’s sake I will stipulate for the moment. This argument misses the point. To get a prescription, one must first visit the doctor. For the uninsured (or those with a lower cost insurance plan), this is an extremely expensive proposition. Moreover, most medical professionals are as economic as the next guy. Unless one finds a particularly honest physician, one must visit the doctor every couple of months to get the prescription renewed. Moreover, the rescue inhaler is never prescribed alone, but rather with a raft of very expensive maintenance medications. And here is where the paradox lies. If the asthmatic does not take all of the maintenance medications, the asthmatic will inevitably need more than one rescue inhaler per month – but this is unavailable by prescription. Therefore, without Primatene, the uninsured, unemployed asthmatic who is struggling to pay his rent will now need to fund at least 6 doctor visits a year, 1 $30-$60 rescue inhaler per month, and 1-2 $60+ maintenance medications per month (if they are lucky). In other words, this is a burden that hundreds of thousands of Americans simply cannot afford. Moreover, unfortunate though it may be, quality physicians who are competent in pulmonary diseases can be difficult to find even for the affluent. Nancy Sander writes in her recent letter to Congress that “Today’s treatment plans also are not based solely on one or more inhaled or oral medications. They require identifying the cause(s) of symptoms, removing environmental or occupational exposures, repairing airway inflammation using anti-inflammatories and restoring the patient to full and healthy function.” That would be fantastic if it were possible. I am insured. I am blessed with a successful career. I live with my loving supportive family in a comfortable house in the suburbs. I can choose any doctor I wish. And for me, removing “environmental or occupational exposures” is about as likely as moving my family to a nice private island in Fiji. How likely is it that the hard working but uninsured (or underinsured) individual struggling to support a family of five in a low income neighborhood will find himself sitting in a clinic before a doctor who recommends “removing environmental or occupational exposures”. It is not likely that this individual could make such changes even if it was so prescribed.
  • Trent Porter from Nanuet commented on 12/11/2012
    The battle of rhetoric between asthmatics and those who ostensibly represent us has been hard fought in the media and within internet chat-rooms ever since CFC-inhalers were deemed non-essential and thus banned under the Montreal Protocol. Years ago, I read the transcript of the 2006 FDA advisory panel debate that voted 11-7 to ban Primatene Mist with equal measures of horror and disbelief. However I assumed that rational heads and good government would prevail and I went on with career and family, leaving the debate to the people who had the time. Now, with a stockpile of Primatene in a drawer and few options when they either run out or expire, I find myself compelled to add my voice to the debate. I am sure you have already heard both sides of the debate. On the one side, vocal activists such as Nancy Sander, founder of Allergy & Asthmatic Network Mothers of Asthmatics (“AANMA”), but otherwise a layperson without medical training, and Dr. Leslie Hendeles, a pharmacist and “consultant to the FDA”. On the other side: hundreds of thousands of terrified asthmatics. The outcry from the asthmatics has been, as one might expect, far less organized than the well-oiled propaganda machine on the other side of the debate. Our collective complaints have vaguely coalesced around several critical issues: 1) Rescue inhalers using HFA as a propellant instead of CFC simply do not work, or even make our asthma worse. 2) The availability of an effective OTC rescue inhaler is critical to quality of life, and can save lives. 3) The ban of Primatene Mist, (and indeed the switch from CFC to HFA inhalers due to the concomitant switch from generic to “re-patented” medications) will have a disproportionate impact on the low income and the uninsured. 4) There is an angry under-current of skepticism that aptly points out that: the CFC released by asthma inhalers into the atmosphere is negligible and therefore our lives are being jeopardized for political expediency; the CFC ban has been a windfall for the pharmaceutical companies (and a potential windfall for doctors when there is no longer an OTC alternative). 5) Although the switch to HFA was supported by clinical studies, these studies were limited and encompassed only individuals with mild or moderate asthma. Moreover, no comprehensive post-marketing studies have been done, despite serious concerns that have been raised about efficacy and the presence of known inflammatory agents such as ethanol in HFA. The response from the HFA proponents (and Primatene opponents) has been: 1) Asthmatics only believe that HFA inhalers are not effective because HFA inhalers are “less forgiving” of improper use, and patients are not using them correctly. 2) Primatene Mist is less effective and has more serious side effects than prescription alternatives. 3) Prescription rescue inhalers are only modestly more expensive than Primatene Mist, and require fewer inhalations than Primatene, therefore there is little actual cost difference. 4) Primatene users are asthmatics who are either: poor/uninsured and mistakenly believe that Primatene is cheaper; not taking the disease seriously and irresponsibly self-medicating. With the debate thus outlined, I hope to inject some common sense from the perspective of an asthmatic into the debate. From the viewpoint of an asthmatic, common sense appears to be sorely lacking from the HFA proponent/anti-Primatene camp, but I am not certain that this would be apparent to a non-asthmatic. I. On the issue of HFA’s efficacy Congress and the general public are being asked to swallow an incredible story. Millions of asthmatics who rely on a fairly simple device (an inhaler) for breath have convinced themselves that it doesn’t work, because we are not correctly cleaning the inhaler, shaking it, priming it, and then inhaling from it. Alternatively, the medication is working, but because it tastes different, or because the spray is not the cold spray we are used to, we are not aware that it is working. That desperate struggle for breath that we have been living with all of our lives is now simply in our heads. This sounds a lot like the “emperor’s new clothes”, but the consequences are not his subjects must see their emperor in his birthday suit, but that the lives of hundreds of thousands of Americans are being put in jeopardy. A number of physicians have posited that asthmatics, many of whose asthma is triggered by allergic reaction to irritants are allergic to the ethanol ingredient in 3 out of 4 HFA inhalers. Others suggest that for those with severe asthma, the less powerful spray is insufficient to drive the medication into our lungs. There could be an entirely different explanation, it has never been studied. But let’s assume for argument’s sake that the thousands of asthmatics complaining that HFA inhalers are ineffective are in fact just using the devices incorrectly – even those who complain after receiving detailed instructions from their doctor or pharmacist. If this is the case, and use of the device necessary for asthmatics from all walks of life to breathe requires mastery of an art akin to riding a unicycle while juggling, then perhaps the FDA and the pharmaceutical giants should go back to the drawing board. As for me, I am a 45 year old CPA, CFA and a Wall Street analyst. I have no impairment of dexterity or lack of competence with mechanical devices. In fact I am a private pilot and I play the saxophone reasonably well. I visit my doctor regularly and I comply with my maintenance prescriptions religiously. One would think that I would be more than capable of using the HFA inhalers correctly. For whatever reason, CFC inhalers invariably work for me, and HFA inhalers only serve to make my asthma worse. With only HFA-albuterol at my disposal, a mild tightness of breath will progress to a full-blown asthma attack. The trouble with that is that although I have been treated by the best and the brightest pulmonologists and asthma specialists for 30+ years, and I consider my asthma to be fairly well controlled today, I still need a rescue inhaler once or twice a day. II. OTC availability is critical to quality of life A question arose during the 2006 FDA Advisory Panel’s inquiry as to whether there were more asthma related deaths in other countries that did not have an OTC inhaler. No one in the room had the answer to this question. However, there being no asthmatics in attendance (shockingly, Nancy Sander long time layperson opponent or Primatene was the only “Patients Representative” present), it never occurred to anyone to ask whether the availability of an OTC inhaler improved the quality of life/standard of living for asthmatics in the United States versus those in other countries. Should we stop funding VRS for the deaf, or stop mandating handicapped access for those Americans in wheelchairs, or remove painless blood testing devices for diabetics, simply because these conveniences are not available in other countries? You might think that such analogies are an exaggeration when compared to OTC rescue inhalers for asthmatics. I assure you that they are not. The problem with reliance on a prescription for a rescue inhaler is that we are rationed only 1 per month, and we can only purchase one with a prescription. Because of the availability of Primatene OTC, I am afforded the ability to keep “back-ups”. I have 2 in the office, several in my car, 2 in my gym bag and so on. Is this because I am over-using or abusing Primatene? Of course not. I take one or two puffs a day if needed. I keep these backups because I am all too familiar with the potentially catastrophic consequences of finding myself without one. Imagine finding yourself on a long flight, or a ship without a fully equipped medical station, or camping in the wilderness, and discovering that your one inhaler is empty, lost, or forgotten. The anti-Primatene camp argues that the asthmatic who takes his/her asthma seriously will never be without a prescription inhaler, and in any event should rush to an emergency room at the first hint of an attack. Can they be serious? Who among us has not lost or forgotten the car keys, a purse or wallet, a wedding ring, the baby bottle. Unfortunately, the asthmatic needs to be sure to not only pack the inhaler, but that the inhaler is full. And for the asthmatic, the consequences of such a mental lapse are far greater than the consequences of forgetting a wallet. No, we asthmatics do not use Primatene because we do not take asthma seriously enough. We asthmatics use Primatene precisely because we recognize just how serious asthma can be. III. On the issue of Primatene’s relative efficacy and risk We are not losing this life-saving medication because a lack of efficacy or because of dangerous side-effects. Nevertheless, those in the anti-Primatene camp insist on framing the issue in a medical context. For example, in a recent letter to Congress, the AANMA writes “Two inhalations of epinephrine provide breathing relief and serious side effects for approximately 15-30 minutes, whereas two inhalations of prescription bronchodilators, which is the recommended medication by NIH, last 3-6 hours with less unwanted cardio stimulation.” These are impressive prose for someone without medical training. Unfortunately, the entire sentence is false and unsupported by fact. A simple perusal of studies posted on the NIH’s website can quickly put this issue to rest. For example, the “Conclusion” from a 2005 study is copied verbatim below: “Epinephrine was nearly as effective as albuterol in terminating an acute episode of airway obstruction but without cardiovascular effects in these otherwise healthy young adults.” Common sense is also instructive however. Primatene has been the leading OTC medication for asthma for almost 40 years. If the product was only effective for 15-30 minutes, forcing asthmatics to inhale over and over again without ultimate resolution, would consumers have continued to buy the product? Note: It is also worth noting that epinephrine is also a bronchodilator. This leads the careful reader to wonder whether Ms. Sander is being intentionally misleading. While she has no medical background, she has been at this for long enough to know better. More to the point, the patient has a right to choose! As Americans, we have the right to drink ourselves to death, to smoke several packs of Marlboro daily, to eat fast food until we are too obese to support our own weight. We are also entitled to choose whether or not to have a whole myriad of elective but dangerous surgeries. Moreover, I defy you to find a medication without a plethora of side-effects, many of which are potentially life threatening. As an American I can choose to fly a plane, ride a motorcycle, hang-glide, scuba dive and sky dive. However, if I am asthmatic, I am not free to choose between being handicapped/homebound, or using a medication with side effects. As I mentioned above, we Primatene users are generally portrayed in an extremely negative light. It has been suggested that we use Primatene because we are not sophisticated enough to understand the risks. I doubt this is true for any asthmatic. For most asthmatics, the disease is omnipresent and rarely far from our mind. Like any other patient with a chronic disease, we gather as much information as we can on the subject. I have read every scrap of literature available on asthma for more than 30 years. I suspect that like myself, every asthmatic from every walk of life is capable of reading the label. It is the responsibility of the medical profession to diagnose, treat and advise. It is our right as patients to choose. IV. Cost comparisons are flawed. The uninsured and underinsured will suffer. The anti-Primatene camp argues that Primatene is only slightly less expensive than prescription alternatives, and therefore removing Primatene from the market will not jeopardize the uninsured or the poor. This purported modest cost differential has certainly not been my experience. However, for argument’s sake I will stipulate for the moment. This argument misses the point. To get a prescription, one must first visit the doctor. For the uninsured (or those with a lower cost insurance plan), this is an extremely expensive proposition. Moreover, most medical professionals are as economic as the next guy. Unless one finds a particularly honest physician, one must visit the doctor every couple of months to get the prescription renewed. Moreover, the rescue inhaler is never prescribed alone, but rather with a raft of very expensive maintenance medications. And here is where the paradox lies. If the asthmatic does not take all of the maintenance medications, the asthmatic will inevitably need more than one rescue inhaler per month – but this is unavailable by prescription. Therefore, without Primatene, the uninsured, unemployed asthmatic who is struggling to pay his rent will now need to fund at least 6 doctor visits a year, 1 $30-$60 rescue inhaler per month, and 1-2 $60+ maintenance medications per month (if they are lucky). In other words, this is a burden that hundreds of thousands of Americans simply cannot afford. Moreover, unfortunate though it may be, quality physicians who are competent in pulmonary diseases can be difficult to find even for the affluent. Nancy Sander writes in her recent letter to Congress that “Today’s treatment plans also are not based solely on one or more inhaled or oral medications. They require identifying the cause(s) of symptoms, removing environmental or occupational exposures, repairing airway inflammation using anti-inflammatories and restoring the patient to full and healthy function.” That would be fantastic if it were possible. I am insured. I am blessed with a successful career. I live with my loving supportive family in a comfortable house in the suburbs. I can choose any doctor I wish. And for me, removing “environmental or occupational exposures” is about as likely as moving my family to a nice private island in Fiji. How likely is it that the hard working but uninsured (or underinsured) individual struggling to support a family of five in a low income neighborhood will find himself sitting in a clinic before a doctor who recommends “removing environmental or occupational exposures”. It is not likely that this individual could make such changes even if it was so prescribed.
  • Julie Yanklowitz from Wailuku, HI commented on 12/13/2012
    After the failed vote on HR6190 today, there is not one shred of hope left for the asthmatics who relied on Primatene Mist, and their families who suffer with them. What a horrifying predicament they have been faced with for a full year now since the ban. Many tears flowing tonight and we are all just grief stricken by this. I guess there is just no hope left for a country that does not care how many lives are destroyed by their senseless political gain. Thank you Dr. Burgess for trying your best. I guess it just wasn't enough. and Thank-you to your staff and all who commented here in an effort to help us.
  • Jeanie Russell from Baton Rouge commented on 12/13/2012
    What an amazing comment! Trent, please run for public office. I've already commented previously and it obviously fell upon deaf ears. We all truly appreciate Congressman Burgess and all of our supporters. We won't give up. BRING BACK MY PRIMATENE MIST!
  • Lorna Czarnota from Buffalo, NY commented on 1/10/2013
    We're not giving up. Write to the EPA, the FDA, your congress person, and keep making noise. The silence will be when we have all stopped breathing.
  • Faye from Waynesboro, VA commented on 1/17/2013
    I just wanted to thank Congressman Burgess and all the people supporting this urgent cause. I have recently taken the last of my Primatene Mist. It has been an instant relief for as long as it has been on the market, and I have never had any side effects. I am horrified and trying to find relief. I have tried Albuterol, but it does not help at all. I can't imagine how parents with young children are coping with this situation. I had chronic childhood asthma and it was devastating. This situation has left many sufferers feeling helpless and forced to go to the doctor.
  • William Warner from New York commented on 2/12/2013
    Since my last bottles of primatene mist ran out last October, I have been ill. I finally got so bad I thought I could die. Could not get out of bed and go to bathroom without being exhausted. Four months of sleepless nights, coughing so bad I get headaches, and not being able to do anything else. I cannot afford to go to a doctor. I NEEDED primatene mist. I am depenedent on it. Thank you American government for being so incrediblllllllly stupid and unconscious of how much damage you have done to people like me.
  • Dana from Smith commented on 2/15/2013
    I wish I could go get a rescue inhaler right now since my pharmacy isn't opened for another 8 hours, but no... I don't have that option. It would be nice to be asleep right now instead of struggling to breathe.
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