NIDA for Teens: The Science Behind Drug Abuse
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Sara Bellum Blog

Real Teens Ask About Drugs

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Group of teens

Real Teens Ask: What Drug is Most Abused by Teens?

Sara Bellum
July 13, 2010

At NIDA’s Drug Facts Chat Day, we get great questions from teens all over the country about drugs. Read More »

Here is an image of a girl holding a pill.

Real Teens Ask: What Are Opioids?

Sara Bellum
June 07, 2010

Teens have a lot of questions about drugs, which is why NIDA holds an annual Drug Facts Chat Day to explain the science behind drug abuse. Read More »

a boy

Real Teens Ask About Marijuana

Sara Bellum
April 23, 2010

In a recent Drug Facts Chat Day, Jiacalone_01 from Cashmere High School in Washington asked: What percentage of 9th graders smoke marijuana? Read More »

Why Research?

Real Teens Ask: Why Research?

Sara Bellum
January 07, 2010

Lots of teens have questions about drugs. Each year, NIDA scientists spend a whole day chatting online with high school students and answering their questions. At the last “Drug Facts Chat Day,” “torgo” asked: Read More »

NIDA’s DRUG FACTS CHAT DAY 2009 Transcript Is Now Online; Image Courtesy of ICF Macro

NIDA's DRUG FACTS CHAT DAY 2009—Transcript Is Now Online

Sara Bellum
December 08, 2009

What do kids want to know about drugs if no one is watching them write the questions? See for yourself! NIDA's DRUG FACTS CHAT DAY transcript is now online. NIDA scientists and staff answered hundreds of questions from teens all over the country. You can read some sample questions below. Read More »

