Department of Labor

The U.S. Department of Labor (Labor) works to address one of the root causes of homelessness: lack of meaningful and sustainable employment. Increasing employment is one of the ten key objectives in Opening Doors. DOL focuses on helping Americans experiencing homelessness through targeted training programs and increasing access to employment opportunities that can lead to self-sufficiency.

Labor’s programs authorized under the Workforce Investment Act (WIA) offer employment and training services to all individuals in need of assistance, including those who are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless. Additional services are available to Veterans through the Veterans Workforce Investment Program

In addition, the Department of Labor’s Veterans' Employment & Training Service (VETS) administers a number of programs targeted at eliminating homelessness among Veterans. The Homeless Veterans’ Reintegration Program (HVRP) is the only nationwide program exclusively focused on helping homeless Veterans reintegrate into the workforce. The program provides clear strategies for training, employment, and retention for homeless female Veterans and homeless Veterans with families.  The Labor Department also partners with the Departments of Defense, Veterans Affairs and Transportation to operate the Transition Assistance Program (TAP), which helps service members and their spouses make the initial transition from military service to the civilian workplace and provides grant funding to organizations within the Homeless Veterans' Reintegration Program network to sponsor Stand Down events. Stand Downs are one to three day events during which a variety of social services are provided to homeless Veterans to gain employment and housing stability. The VETS program also administers the Incarcerated Veterans’ Transition Program to help gain employment and stability for Veterans transitioning out of jail or prison.

In addition, Labor’s Women's Bureau held a series of listening sessions to hear directly from homeless women Veterans about their unique challenges. The Women's Bureau is in the process of developing resources to better equip service providers to meet the unique experiences and needs of female Veterans.



New Department of Labor “Innovation Fund” To Test Employment and Housing Services Collaborations


Homeless Veterans Reintegration Program (HVRP)

The Homeless Veterans Reintegration Program (HVRP) helps Veterans experiencing homelessness gain meaningful employment and increases ...

Incarcerated Veterans’ Transition Program

The Incarcerated Veterans’ Transition Program provides case management and employment counseling services to Veterans who have ...

Job Corps

The Job Corps Program is designed as a holistic career development program for low-income young adults ages 16-24 to complete an ...

Stand Downs

Stand Downs are events that take place around the country that last one to three days and provide assistance to Veterans experiencing ...

Veterans’ Workforce Investment Program

The Veterans’ Workforce Investment Programs provides funds to assist Veterans experiencing homelessness in gaining meaningful ...


The YouthBuild program provides funds to non-profit organizations to provide an alternative education pathway and teach occupational ...

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Resources for Accessing Technical Assistance

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