Iowa Department of Natural Resources IOWASDS Natural Resources Geographic Information System Page 1 Coverage Documentation COVERAGE: IOWASDS DOCUMENTATION REVISON: 05/13/1998 DESCRIPTIVE NAME: Sanitary landfills, transfer stations, land application STATUS: Complete DESCRIPTION: All facilities that handle sanitary waste are included in this coverage. GEOGRAPHIC EXTENT: Iowa COVERAGE TYPES(S): Points COVERAGE SIZE: Arcs: 0 Polygons: 0 Labels 244 Tics 4.00 Annotations 0.00 File Siz 61 Kb Kb MAP PROJECTION: Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM), Zone 15 MAP UNITS: Meters DATUM: NAD27 SOFTWARE VERSION: PC ARC/INFO 3.4D COVERAGE CREATED: 06/01/1989 COVERAGE MODIFICATIONS: Added new points and deleted some old ones, 2/91 12/96 MJB - intersected with COUNTY 6/5/97 CFW - Changed coverage from polygon to point and added new permitted facilities. 5/13/98 CFW - Added new facilities. COVERAGE DEVELOPER: Calvin Wolter Iowa DNR 900 E Grand Ave. Wallace State Office Bldg. Des Moines, IA 50319 515-281-8928 DNR CONTACT: Lavoy Haage Iowa DNR 900 E. Grand Ave Wallace State Office Bldg. Des Moines, IA 50319 515-281-4968 ORIGINAL SOURCE INFORMATION: Media: Hand-digitized points from 1:24,000 scale maps. Title: Author/Agency: Solid Waste Section, Environmental Protection Division Published Date: Unknown Conpiled Date: Unknown Scale: 1:24,000 Projection: Varies Geographic Control: UTM reference grid on 1:24,000 scale maps used as geographic control for digitizing Data Conversion: References: ACCURACY ASSESMENT: The points were generated by digitizing from 1:24,000 scale maps or on-screen digitizing using 1:100,000 scale maps as reference. Accuracy is estimated to be +/- 100 meters. Points were located as close to the center of the described area as possible. ASSOCIATED COVERAGES: ASSOCIATED FILES: COMMENTS: The coverage IOWASDS is a combination of IASW, IALF, and IASLF that has been updated to show new permitted facilities and remove expired facilities. This is a point coverage that is current to May 13, 1998. ARC ATTRIBUTE FILE ITEMS (AAT): POLYGON ATTRIBUTE FILE ITEMS (PAT): POINT ATTRIBUTE FILE ITEMS (PAT): Area: Area of point Perimeter: Perimeter of point IOWASDS_: Internal Point Identification IOWASDS_ID: User Assigned Identification COUNTY: County the facility is located in PERMIT: Iowa DNR permit number FACILITY_N: Facility number in that county FAC_LOCATE: Town facility is closest to SLF_NAME: Facility Name EXPIRATION: Permit expiration date TYPE_KEY: Type of facility CCR: Coal Combustion Residue Landfill CND: Construction and Demolition Landfill FSL: Foundry Sand Landfill ILF: Industrial Landfill INC: Incinerator LAN: Land Application MLF: Municipal Landfill MRF: Material Recovery Facility REC: Recycling Facility SLG: Sludge Landfill XFR: Transfer Station STAGE_KEY: Status of facility C: Closure P: Operation Permit T: Temporary Permit Z: Denied PROJECT_OF: Project Officer ANNOTATIONS: TICS: There are four tics at the extent of the coverage ****NOTICE**** This digital, geographically referenced data set was developed by the Iowa Department of Natural Resources to carry out agency responsibilities related to management, protection, and development of Iowa's natural resources. It resides in the Natural Resources Geographic Information System library. Although efforts have been made to make it useful to the Department, the Department assumes no responsibility for errors in the information. Similarly the Department assumes no responsibility for the consequences of inappropriate uses or interpretations of the data made by anyone to whom this data has been made available. The Department bears no responsibility to inform users of any changes made to this data. Anyone using this data is advised that precision implied by the coverage may far exceed actual precision. Comments on this data are invited and the Department would appreciate that documented errors be brought to staff attention. The development of the coverages in the NRGIS Library represents a major investment of staff time and effort. As a professional responsibility, we expect that the Iowa DNR will receive proper credit when you utilize these GIS coverages and that the original documentation will remain with any redistribution of these coverages.