Iowa Department of Natural Resources LAKES Natural Resources Geographic Information System Page 1 Coverage Documentation COVERAGE: LAKES DOCUMENTATION REVISON: 1/ 8/97 DESCRIPTIVE NAME: Major Lakes and Federal Impoundments of Iowa STATUS: complete DESCRIPTION: This coverage includes the following lakes and federal impoundments, manually digitized from paper maps. Iowa's Largest Natural Lakes Lake County Black Hawk Sac Clear Cerro Gordo East Okoboji Dickinson Five Island Palo Alto Lost Island Palo Alto Silver Dickinson Spirit Dickinson Storm Buena Vista Tuttle Emmet West Okoboji Dickinson Federal Reservoirs County Coralville Johnson Rathbun Appanoose Red Rock Marion Saylorville Polk Other Lakes/ Reservoirs County Ahquabi Warren Anita Cass Badger Creek Madison Beeds Franklin Big Creek Polk Bob White Wayne Cold Springs Cass Darling Washington Deer Creek Plymouth Geode Henry George Wyth Black Hawk Green Valley Union Hawthorn Mahaska Icaria Adams Keomah Mahaska Lacey-Keosauqua Van Buren Lower Pine Hardin Macbride Johnson Meadow Adair Miami Monroe Nine Eagles Decatur Pleasant Creek Linn-Benton Prairie Rose Shelby Red Haw Lucas Rock Creek Jasper Spring Greene Springbrook Guthrie Sugema Van Buren Swan Carroll Three Fires Taylor Union Grove Tama Upper Pine Hardin Viking Montgomery Volga Fayette Wapello Davis GEOGRAPHIC EXTENT: State of Iowa COVERAGE TYPES(S): Arc; Polygo COVERAGE SIZE: Arcs: 202 Polygons: 83 Labels 82 Tics 1,221 Annotations 0 File Siz 511 Kb Kb MAP PROJECTION: Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM), Zone 15. MAP UNITS: Meters DATUM: NAD27 SOFTWARE VERSION: PC ARC/INFO 3.4.2 COVERAGE CREATED: 11/ 1/94 COVERAGE MODIFICATIONS: 12/96 MJB- intersected with COUNTY COVERAGE DEVELOPER: Michael J. Bounk Iowa Department of Natural Resources Geological Survey Bureau 109 Trowbridge Hall Iowa City, Iowa 52242-1319 (319) 335-1575 DNR CONTACT: Michael J. Bounk Iowa Department of Natural Resources Geological Survey Bureau 109 Trowbridge Hall Iowa City, Iowa 52242-1319 (319) 335-1575 ORIGINAL SOURCE INFORMATION: Media: paper Title: United States Geological Survey 7.5' Quadrangle Topographic Maps or Author/Agency: United States Geological Survey and Iowa Conservation Published Date: Various (1963 - 1982) Conpiled Date: Scale: 1: 24,000 Projection: Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM), Zone 15 Geographic Control: Tics at Quadrangle corners Data Conversion: References: ACCURACY ASSESMENT: 25 Meters ASSOCIATED COVERAGES: None ASSOCIATED FILES: None COMMENTS: ARC ATTRIBUTE FILE ITEMS (AAT): POLYGON ATTRIBUTE FILE ITEMS (PAT): Name: Name of lake or impoundment Type: 1 Natural (Major Natural Lake) 2 Federal (Large Reservoirs Managed by the Federal Goverment) 3 Other (Natural Lake or Reservoir managed by the State or County Goverment) 4 Islands (Large Islands) Hectares: Area in hectares Acres: Area in acres POINT ATTRIBUTE FILE ITEMS (PAT): ANNOTATIONS: None TICS: At quadrangle corners ****NOTICE**** This digital, geographically referenced data set was developed by the Iowa Department of Natural Resources to carry out agency responsibilities related to management, protection, and development of Iowa's natural resources. It resides in the Natural Resources Geographic Information System library. Although efforts have been made to make it useful to the Department, the Department assumes no responsibility for errors in the information. Similarly the Department assumes no responsibility for the consequences of inappropriate uses or interpretations of the data made by anyone to whom this data has been made available. The Department bears no responsibility to inform users of any changes made to this data. Anyone using this data is advised that precision implied by the coverage may far exceed actual precision. Comments on this data are invited and the Department would appreciate that documented errors be brought to staff attention. The development of the coverages in the NRGIS Library represents a major investment of staff time and effort. As a professional responsibility, we expect that the Iowa DNR will receive proper credit when you utilize these GIS coverages and that the original documentation will remain with any redistribution of these coverages.