What is E-Service?

"E-Service" is the electronic service of final Board and ALJ decisions on parties to Board cases. Parties who register for E-Service will receive, immediately upon posting of the Board's daily E-Docket on its website, an e-mail constituting formal notice of the Board's or Judge's decision and an electronic link to the decision. E-Service notifications will be sent at the close of the business day at NLRB headquarters in Washington, D.C. (5:00 p.m. Eastern Time). Final Board and ALJ decisions will not be mailed to parties who sign up for E-Service.

When documents are electronically-filed in a case, the NLRB sends a courtesy e-mail notification to other parties in the case who have registered to receive electronic service of Board and ALJ Decisions. The e-mail with a link to the documents is a courtesy notification only; it does not constitute service of the document by the filing party pursuant to Board Rules & Regulations Sections 102.114(a) or 102.114(i). In addition, this e-mail indicates only that the document has been E-Filed with the Agency. It does not constitute a determination that the document has been accepted by the Agency as meeting the requirements for filing.

In the event the document being E-Filed is required to be served on another party to a proceeding, the other party shall be served by e-mail, if possible. If the other party does not have the ability to receive electronic service, the other party shall be notified by telephone of the substance of the transmitted document and a copy of the document shall be served by personal service no later than the next day, by overnight delivery service, or, with the permission of the party receiving the document, by facsimile transmission. See Sec. 102.114(a) and (i) of the Board's Rules and Regulations.

If you have not registered and wish to do so, please send an e-mail to e-service@nlrb.gov, providing the case number for each Board and/or Judges case in which you are a participant. You will be given an NLRB-assigned PIN number, which will allow you to register for E-Service/E-Issuance (click here for more information about PIN numbers). Each party or party representative currently can sign up only one e-mail address for E-Service.