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Social Networking (Web 2.0)

Michigan on Facebook:

Facebook is a free-access social networking website where users can join networks organized by city, workplace, school, and region to connect and interact with other people. is using Facebook to help keep you informed of news and events in Michigan.  If you would like to stay connected with on Facebook, register at Facebook and visit the Facebook Pages below.

Facebook Michigan Department of Agriculture
Facebook Michigan Department of Community Health
Facebook Michigan Department of Energy, Labor and Economic Growth
Facebook Michigan Department of Environmental Quality
Facebook Michigan Department of Human Services
Facebook Michigan Department of Information Technology
Facebook Michigan Department of Natural Resources
Facebook Michigan Department of Transportation
Facebook Michigan Department of Treasury
Facebook Building MI Future
Facebook Green Today Jobs Tomorrow
Facebook Mackinac State Historic Parks
Facebook Michigan eLibrary
Facebook Michigan Auto and Home Insurance Consumer Advocate
Facebook Michigan Children's Trust Fund
Facebook Michigan Children's Trust Fund (Group)
Facebook Michigan Genealogy (Group)
Facebook Michigan History Magazine
Facebook Michigan State Historic Preservation Office
Facebook Michigan State Housing Development Authority
Facebook Pure Michigan
Facebook Pure Michigan - Golf

Michigan on Twitter:

Twitter is a free social networking service that allows its users to send and read each others' updates, known as tweets. Tweets are text-based posts that are displayed on the author's profile page as well as the follower's page - who have subscribed to them. Senders can restrict delivery to those in their circle of friends or, by default, allow open access. Users can send and receive tweets via the Twitter website, a mobile device or external applications. is using Twitter to help keep you informed about happenings around Michigan.  If you would like to receive our Tweets, sign up at Twitter and subscribe to the Twitter feeds below.

Twitter @govgranholm Governor Granholm
Twitter @GranholmHelps Governor Granholm
Twitter @migov
Twitter @MichDeptofAg Department of Agriculture
Twitter @mieducation Department of Education
Twitter @MIDELEG Department of Energy, Labor and Economic Growth
Twitter @MichiganDHS Department of Human Services
Twitter @MDNR Department of Natural Resources
Twitter @MichiganDOT Department of Transportation
Twitter @CTF_Michigan Children's Trust Fund
Twitter @MIRecovery Michigan Recovery and Reinvestment
Twitter @MISHPO Michigan State Historic Preservation Office
Twitter @MSHP Mackinac State Historic Parks
Twitter @MSHDA Michigan State Housing Development Authority
Twitter @mihistorymag Michigan History Magazine
Twitter @meldotorg Michigan eLibrary (MeL)
Twitter @MDOT_MetroDet MDOT Metro Detroit
Twitter @PUREMICHIGAN Pure Michigan
Twitter @seekingmichigan Seeking Michigan

Michigan on YouTube:
YouTube is a video sharing website where users can upload and share videos. If you would like to view the videos that the State of Michigan has on YouTube please visit one of our YouTube pages listed below. 

YouTube Jennifer Granholm
YouTube Michigan Government
YouTube Department of Energy, Labor, and Economic Growth
YouTube Department of Transportation
YouTube Michigan Children's Trust Fund
YouTube Pure Michigan
YouTube State Historic Preservation Office
YouTube Mackinac State Historic Parks
YouTube Archives of Michigan, Look About You
YouTube Michigan Upper Hand
YouTube Next Michigan
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