National Estuarine Research Reserve System
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CTP Audiences

Grand Bay workshop image
Decision-maker audience in a classroom setting, courtesy of Grand Bay NERR
The Coastal Training Program targets professionals who make decisions about coastal resources. The Reserves, along with their partners, have the opportunity to effect positive change by improving the understanding and knowledge of decision-makers as well as increasing their technical skills and providing the opportunity for increased multi-stakeholder dialog. Coastal Training Programs work to incorporate training methodology and approaches designed to address pertinent coastal issues from a crosscutting perspective that embraces ecological, social, political, and economic considerations.   The Jacques Cousteau Reserve provides an example of a multifaceted approach used by the CTP to address the needs of coastal decision-maker audiences around the issue of stormwater.

Audiences in Coastal Training Programs might include: 
  • Local elected and appointed officials such as city and town council members, boards of selectmen and county commissioners, and planning commission members; 
  • Local government staff such as county, city and town managers, planners, engineers, code enforcement officers, environmental health and transportation officials; 
  • State agency staff within departments with oversight of planning, marine resources, inland fisheries and wildlife, and environmental protection; 
  • Volunteer boards and members of organizations, such as conservation commissions, land trusts, chapters of environmental organizations, watershed associations, and property owners associations; 
  • Business professionals and organizations such as realty associations, building and development associations, engineering and architectural firms, commercial property owners associations, Chambers of Commerce, Rotary International, tourist boards; 
  • State and regional professional associations that target relevant memberships, such as wetland scientists, environmental consultants, environmental educators, estuarine researchers, coastal regulators, coastal planners.
audience pie chart

Last Updated on: Wednesday, May 05, 2010
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