SECTION 7301-7305

7301.  Camelthorn is a public nuisance. It may be abated by summary
action or otherwise pursuant to the law which relates to the
abatement of public nuisance.

7302.  The director shall eradicate camelthorn wherever it exists in
this state.

7303.  The expense incurred by the director in eradicating
camelthorn shall be borne as follows:
   (a) One-third by the state, to be paid out of any sum appropriated
for such purpose.
   (b) One-third by the county in which the land is located on which
such camelthorn exists.
   (c) One-third by the owner of the land.

7304.  The board of supervisors may direct the commissioner to
proceed with the abatement of the camelthorn pursuant to Chapter 6
(commencing with Section 5401), Part 1 of this division. If the
commissioner does so, the board of supervisors shall allow and pay
the share of the county and the share of the owner of the land out of
the general fund of the county.

7305.  The share of the expense of eradication which is required by
Section 7303 to be borne by the owner of the land is a lien on the
land against which the expense is chargeable. The provisions of
Sections 5429 to 5436, inclusive, apply, insofar as possible, to such