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U.S. Office of Personnel Management - Recruiting, Retaining and Honoring a World-Class Workforce to Serve the American People

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Retirement Information & Services

1998 Financial Management Letters

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The U.S. Office of Personnel Management (OPM) has Governmentwide responsibility and oversight for Federal benefits administration. This page contains the Financial Management Letters used to advise Federal agencies about various aspects of benefits administration.

FML Number Date Title Format
F-98-01 01/14/98 Compendium of 1997 Financial Management Letters

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[18 KB]

F-98-02 01/30/98 Material Relating to Accounting for Pension Costs

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F-98-03 02/10/98 You are invited to the 1998 Benefits Officers Conference

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F-98-04 04/24/98 FERS Open Season

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F-98-05 04/24/98 The Conner Decision

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F-98-06 09/04/98 1998 Cost Factors and Other Retirement Benefits Expenses

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F-98-07 10/23/98 1998 Cost Factors for Pension and Other Retirement Benefits Expenses

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F-98-08 11/10/98 Federal Employees Life Insurance Improvement Act

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F-98-09 12/23/98 Interdepartmental Eliminations

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