USAID Impact Photo Credit: Nancy Leahy/USAID

Rajiv Shah

Dr. Rajiv Shah serves as the 16th Administrator of USAID and leads the efforts of more than 8,000 professionals in 80 missions around the world.


USAID Gives Back to Servicemembers at Home and Abroad

USAID Administrator Rajiv Shah and daughter on the MLK National Day of Service. Photo credit: Anna Gohmann/USAID

On Saturday, I joined USAID staff and their families to celebrate the legacy of Martin Luther King Jr. by volunteering on the National Day of Service. Read more >>

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U.S. Support for Yemen’s Transition

Administrator Shah, USAID Yemen Mission Director Robert Wilson, and U.S. Embassy Riyadh Spokesman Mofid Deak meet with U.S. and international press.

This post originally appeared on The White House Blog At the Yemen Donor Conference in Riyadh, which I attended on September 4, I was impressed by how far Yemen has come in the past year. But I think what really made this conference stand out is that we focused on what happens after the conference, and how [...]

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USAID Hosts Annual Ramadan Iftar

Dr. Rajiv Shah serves as the 16th Administrator of USAID and leads the efforts of more than 8,000 professionals in 80 missions around the world.

Last night, together with USDA, we hosted our 10th annual Iftar—a tradition also reflected in the field as Missions host dinners in recognition of this important time. As President Obama has said, Ramadan is a chance to honor a faith known for its diversity and commitment to the dignity of all human beings. A faith [...]

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Ask the Expert: Administrator Shah on the AIDS fight

Administrator Shah spoke with GlobalPost on the fight against HIV/AIDS worldwide. Read more >>

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Protecting the Lives of Women and Girls: London Summit on Family Planning

Today I joined leaders from around the world at the London Summit on Family Planning to commit to the goal of providing 120 million women in the world’s poorest countries with lifesaving contraceptives, information, and services by 2020. This Summit comes at a crucial time, following up to last month’s Child Survival Call to Action. [...]

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Celebrating the 150th Anniversary of the Morrill Act

Today we celebrate the visionary leadership of President Abraham Lincoln in signing the Morrill Act 150 years ago.  Even as our nation prepared to enter one of the most brutal and challenging periods of its existence, President Lincoln demonstrated a powerful understanding that America’s success would depend on investment in the agricultural development of its [...]

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Ending Child Mortality

Originally posted as an OpEd in Politico. Actor Ben Affleck is founder and director of the Eastern Congo Initiative. Rajiv Shah is administrator of the U.S. Agency for International Development.  More than 7 million children — most of them in sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia — are expected to die this year before reaching their fifth [...]

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1,000 Photos

As of today, 1,000 people around the world have posted photos of their 5th birthday in support of the Every Child Deserves a 5th Birthday awareness campaign. From Secretary Hillary Clinton and Kay Warren to Tony Hawk and Mandy Moore, government representatives, faith-based and civil society leaders, celebrity activists and athletes have uploaded photos of themselves at [...]

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Winning the Fight Against HIV in Children

Originally published at Over thirty years ago, when the fight against HIV first began, the outlook for tackling the pandemic was bleak. Across the world, AIDS was seen as a death sentence. Within just a few years, it had devastated communities from the United States to South Africa. But the world continued to fight, [...]

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Launch of Pakistan’s National Reading Program

This week in Pakistan, I joined Ambassador Cameron Munter, Senior Minister Pir Mazhar-Ul-Haq of the Government of Sindh Education and Literacy Department and local leaders in launching a National Reading Program. The program will help improve reading and math skills for nearly seven million children, mobilize communities to strengthen school management and support the development of three [...]

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