NSSL Fact Sheets

These fact sheets provide a brief overview of NSSL and some of the laboratory's research activities.

NSSL Overview
NSSL serves the nation by working to improve the lead time and accuracy of severe weather warnings and forecasts in order to save lives and reduce property damage. [.pdf, 160 kB]

Forecast and warning research

Forecast and Warning Improvements
NSSL studies thunderstorms from many different points of view. [.pdf, 434 kB]
Warn on Forecast
Forecasting severe weather before the threat is ever detected. [.pdf, 950 kB]
NOAA Hazardous Weather Testbed
The NOAA HWT targets developing, testing and evaluating severe weather forecast and warning techniques throughout the U.S. [.pdf, 209 kB]
Field Research Projects
NSSL researchers know the best way to learn about the nature of severe storms and their hazards is to observe them when and where they happen. [.pdf, 180 kB]
Field Research Equipment
NSSL has been a pioneer in designing innovative field research equipment used for taking measurements of hazardous weather. [.pdf, 168 kB]
NSSL was a part of the largest and most ambition attempt to explain tornadoes—their origins, structure and evolution. [.pdf, 262 kB]

Weather Radar Research and Improvements

Weather Radar Research
For more than 40 years, NSSL has led the nation with ingenuity and creativity to push radar technology to the edge. [.pdf, 172 kB]
Multi-Function Phased Array Radar (MPAR)
Multi-function phased array radar can quickly scan the weather while detecting and tracking aircraft. [.pdf, 750 kB]
Phased Array Radar
Radar is one of the most valuable tools available to a forecaster, and NSSL is leading the development of the future generation of weather radars. [.pdf, 258 kB]
Dual-Polarization Technology
A major upgrade to existing radars giving forecasters more precise information to accurately diagnose severe weather. [.pdf, 1.2 MB]


Hydrometeorology Research
Our nation's health, economy and security depend on the monitoring and prediction of fresh water resources. [.pdf, 156 kB]
The Coastal and Inland FLooding Observation and Warning (CI-FLOW) project is a multi-agency research project to provide total water level forecasts in coastal areas. [.pdf, 918 kB]

NSSL Outreach

Outreach and Communications
NSSL conducts, develops, supports, promotes and coordinates formal and informal educational activities at all levels to enhance public awareness and understanding of severe weather and severe weather research. [.pdf, 156 kB]
Twister Science
How NSSL's research provided inspiration for the movie, Twister. [.pdf, 319 kB]

Additional Related Topics

CIMMS Overview
Information about the Cooperative Institute for Mesoscale Meteorological Studies, a NOAA/University of Oklahoma joint research institute. [.pdf, 344 kB]
NOAA Weather Partners
Information about the consortium of five NOAA agencies located in Norman, Oklahoma [.pdf, 254 kB]
National Weather Center Fact Sheet
Home to the National Severe Storms Laboratories, the University of Oklahoma School of Meteorology, and several other federal and state agencies. [.pdf, 258 kB]
NOAA Backgrounders