(816) 285-7000

August 14, 2009



Prices decreased 0.5 percent from the first half of 2008 to the first half of 2009

The Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers (CPI-U) for the St. Louis, Mo.-Ill., metropolitan area decreased 0.5 percent from the first half of 2008 to the first half of 2009, the first over-the-year decline recorded since 1955, the Bureau of Labor Statistics reported today. According to Regional Commissioner Stanley W. Suchman, decreasing transportation costs, due almost entirely to falling prices for motor fuel, accounted for over one-half of the movement in the all items index.

St. Louis, MO-IL Metropolitan Area CPI-U Annual Percent Change

Among the eight major expenditure categories, declining transportation costs had the largest impact on the overall index, decreasing 12.3 percent due largely to a record-setting 39.0 percent drop in motor fuel prices from the first half of 2008 to the first half of 2009. The sharp decline in motor fuel costs followed thirteen consecutive periods of over-the-year price increases that began in the second half of 2002.

Despite the decline in the all items index, six of the eight major expenditure categories recorded advances from the first half of 2008 to the first half of 2009. Of these, the food and beverages index had the largest upward impact, rising 4.4 percent and partially offsetting the downward movement in the transportation index. Prices for food at home advanced 4.8 percent and costs for food away from home increased 5.2 percent, the largest over-the-year increase in prices for food away from home since 1990. Prices for alcoholic beverages were 1.6 percent higher over the period.

The housing index rose 1.3 percent from the first half of 2008 to the first half of 2009. Shelter costs increased 0.8 percent as rent of primary residence advanced 1.8 percent and owners' equivalent rent of primary residence rose 1.4 percent. Prices for household energy were up 1.0 percent. Electricity prices increased 6.0 percent after registering little movement in the same period one year ago. Charges for utility (piped) gas service decreased 2.4 percent over the year after declining 1.0 percent from the first half of 2007 to the first half of 2008. Prices for household furnishings and operations rose 1.3 percent.

Each of the remaining five major expenditure categories had little impact on the St. Louis all items index. The index for medical care advanced 4.2 percent from the first half of 2008 to the first half of 2009. Costs for education and communication rose 3.0 percent and prices for other goods and services, which include tobacco and smoking products and personal care items, increased 5.8 percent since the first half of 2008. Apparel prices rose 4.5 percent over the period following a 1.7-percent increase in the same period one year ago. The recreation index, which includes admissions to movies, concerts, and sporting events, decreased 2.6 percent over the year.

Energy prices, which include prices for motor fuel and household fuels, fell 23.3 percent over the year, with most of the price declines occurring in the last half of the period. The special aggregate index for all items less energy rose 2.2 percent. Excluding the impact of food and energy prices the St. Louis CPI-U was up 1.8 percent from the first half of 2008 to the first half of 2009.

The St. Louis CPI-U stood at 197.370 for the first half of 2009. This means that a market basket of goods and services that cost $100.00 in 1982-84 cost $197.37 in the first half of 2009. Because metropolitan area CPI data are not adjusted for seasonal price variation, consumers and businesses should be cautious in drawing conclusions about long-term retail price trends from short-term changes in the metropolitan area indexes.


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Table 1. Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers (CPI-U): Indexes for semiannual averages and percent changes for selected periods

St. Louis, Mo.-Ill. (1982-84=100 unless otherwise noted)
Item and Group

Semiannual average indexes
Percent change to
1st half 2009 from-
1st half
2nd half
1st half
1st half
2nd half

Expenditure category


All Items

198.278 199.122 197.370 -0.5 -0.9

All items (1967=100)

588.919 591.427 586.220    

Food and beverages

201.675 207.203 210.452 4.4 1.6


200.189 206.121 209.489 4.6 1.6

Food at home

193.191 199.638 202.520 4.8 1.4

Food away from home

212.115 218.102 223.235 5.2 2.4

Alcoholic beverages

204.759 206.147 208.078 1.6 0.9


187.115 190.462 189.596 1.3 -0.5


211.913 213.028 213.556 0.8 0.2

Rent of primary residence

190.131 191.694 193.644 1.8 1.0

Owners' equiv. rent (1)

218.842 220.558 221.967 1.4 0.6

Fuels and utilities

176.550 194.410 182.249 3.2 -6.3

Household energy

161.667 186.060 163.318 1.0 -12.2

Gas (piped) and electricity

163.438 189.424 167.062 2.2 -11.8


128.511 149.762 136.241 6.0 -9.0

Utility (piped) gas service

202.514 233.135 197.606 -2.4 -15.2

Household furnishings and operations

135.694 137.226 137.470 1.3 0.2


125.935 127.421 131.624 4.5 3.3


189.492 179.781 166.161 -12.3 -7.6

Private transportation

190.663 180.642 167.292 -12.3 -7.4

Motor fuel

315.425 277.829 192.322 -39.0 -30.8

Gasoline (all types)

310.825 273.083 190.090 -38.8 -30.4

Unleaded regular (2)

302.708 265.434 183.313 -39.4 -30.9

Unleaded midgrade (2) (3)

357.775 315.397 221.847 -38.0 -29.7

Unleaded premium (2)

301.686 266.849 191.536 -36.5 -28.2

Medical Care

343.086 347.701 357.606 4.2 2.8

Recreation (4)

122.946 123.018 119.765 -2.6 -2.6

Education and communication (4)

128.582 130.924 132.446 3.0 1.2

Other goods and services

271.104 271.522 286.939 5.8 5.7

Commodity and Service Group


All Items

198.278 199.122 197.370 -0.5 -0.9


173.994 172.051 168.406 -3.2 -2.1

Commodities less food & beverages

157.897 152.725 146.184 -7.4 -4.3

Nondurables less food & beverages

208.914 198.532 182.550 -12.6 -8.1


111.790 110.841 111.969 0.2 1.0


224.312 227.854 227.912 1.6 0.0

Special aggregate indexes:


All items less medical care

190.900 191.592 189.413 -0.8 -1.1

All items less shelter

195.498 196.276 193.379 -1.1 -1.5

Commodities less food

160.147 155.227 149.008 -7.0 -4.0


205.718 203.221 196.657 -4.4 -3.2

Nondurables less food

209.009 199.619 185.113 -11.4 -7.3

Services less rent of shelter (1)

243.011 249.731 248.396 2.2 -0.5

Services less medical care services

212.984 216.345 215.865 1.4 -0.2


228.763 225.699 175.372 -23.3 -22.3

All items less energy

197.646 199.749 202.054 2.2 1.2

All items less food and energy

197.529 198.945 201.062 1.8 1.1

(1) Index is on a November 1982=100 base.
(2) Special index based on a substantially smaller sample.
(3) Indexes on a December 1993=100 base.
(4) Indexes on a December 1997=100 base.

Table 2. Consumer Price Index for Wage Earners and Clerical Workers (CPI-W): Indexes for semiannual averages and percent changes for selected periods

St. Louis, Mo.-Ill. (1982-84=100 unless otherwise noted)
Item and Group

Semiannual average indexes
Percent change to
1st half 2009 from-
1st half
2nd half
1st half
1st half
2nd half

Expenditure category


All Items

197.848 198.337 195.839 -1.0 -1.3

All items (1967=100)

582.079 583.520 576.168    

Food and beverages

202.211 208.127 211.145 4.4 1.5


201.427 207.733 210.814 4.7 1.5

Food at home

193.360 199.942 202.686 4.8 1.4

Food away from home

213.080 219.463 224.643 5.4 2.4

Alcoholic beverages

194.618 196.201 198.371 1.9 1.1


188.886 192.839 191.700 1.5 -0.6


211.641 213.018 213.928 1.1 0.4

Rent of primary residence

190.131 191.694 193.644 1.8 1.0

Owners' equiv. rent (1)

200.491 202.062 203.354 1.4 0.6

Fuels and utilities

179.468 197.788 185.405 3.3 -6.3

Household energy

162.635 187.459 164.708 1.3 -12.1

Gas (piped) and electricity

164.978 191.209 168.637 2.2 -11.8


128.510 149.762 136.240 6.0 -9.0

Utility (piped) gas service

202.514 233.136 197.606 -2.4 -15.2

Household furnishings and operations

129.677 129.974 130.347 0.5 0.3


127.014 128.050 132.820 4.6 3.7


194.208 183.399 167.909 -13.5 -8.4

Private transportation

193.931 182.954 167.558 -13.6 -8.4

Motor fuel

315.426 277.799 192.348 -39.0 -30.8

Gasoline (all types)

310.826 273.084 190.090 -38.8 -30.4

Unleaded regular (2)

302.693 265.421 183.304 -39.4 -30.9

Unleaded midgrade (2) (3)

357.775 315.397 221.847 -38.0 -29.7

Unleaded premium (2)

301.700 266.862 191.545 -36.5 -28.2

Medical Care

342.151 346.931 356.942 4.3 2.9

Recreation (4)

124.897 125.781 121.656 -2.6 -3.3

Education and communication (4)

125.230 126.697 128.599 2.7 1.5

Other goods and services

269.651 270.135 290.892 7.9 7.7

Commodity and Service Group


All Items

197.848 198.337 195.839 -1.0 -1.3


178.420 175.360 170.650 -4.4 -2.7

Commodities less food & beverages

164.173 157.372 149.539 -8.9 -5.0

Nondurables less food & beverages

212.871 200.301 182.924 -14.1 -8.7


117.938 116.201 116.810 -1.0 0.5


222.343 226.588 226.391 1.8 -0.1

Special aggregate indexes:


All items less medical care

191.634 191.997 189.174 -1.3 -1.5

All items less shelter

194.803 194.987 191.117 -1.9 -2.0

Commodities less food

165.836 159.330 151.844 -8.4 -4.7


207.927 204.180 196.409 -5.5 -3.8

Nondurables less food

212.091 200.586 184.641 -12.9 -7.9

Services less rent of shelter (1)

223.639 230.912 228.979 2.4 -0.8

Services less medical care services

211.420 215.499 214.858 1.6 -0.3


230.764 226.960 175.874 -23.8 -22.5

All items less energy

195.575 197.691 200.291 2.4 1.3

All items less food and energy

194.209 195.526 198.030 2.0 1.3

(1) Index is on a November 1984=100 base.
(2) Special index based on a substantially smaller sample.
(3) Indexes on a December 1993=100 base.
(4) Indexes on a December 1997=100 base.


Last Modified Date: August 14, 2009