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Mineral Resources > Online Spatial Data > Catalog > Sciences > Earth sciences
Branch of geology studying the physical characteristics and phenomena of the earth and its atmosphere.
Seismology (2 items)

Geophysical maps (26 items)
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Results 1 - 10 of 221 listed by similarity [list alphabetically]
PDF Introduction to potential fields: gravity [New Window]
Explanation of the Earth's gravitational field, emphasizing how USGS scientists measure gravity and portray these measurements on maps. Explains terminology of gravity anomaly maps and their relationship to the rock types and other geologic features.
PDF Introduction to potential fields: magnetics [New Window]
Explanation of the Earth's magnetic field and how USGS measures it. Defines magnetic anomaly, induced and remanent magnetism in rocks, and describes magnetic anomaly maps.
Geophysical data from the Spring and Snake Valleys area, Nevada and Utah [New Window]
Existing and new gravity station data and magnetometer measurements used to infer geologic structure of this area
PDF Geophysical framework of the southwestern Nevada volcanic field and hydrogeologic implications [New Window]
Report describing detailed interpretation of geophysical survey data to draw inferences about subsurface geologic features and likely consequences for the hydrogeologic system.
PDF Geophysical interpretations of the southern EspaƱola Basin, New Mexico, that contribute to understanding its hydrogeologic framework [New Window]
Geophysical interpretation of the southern EspaƱola basin for the purpose of understanding the hydrogeologic framework including shallow faults, igneous units, and basement rocks
Geophysical investigation of Red Devil mine using direct-current resistivity and electromagnetic induction, Red Devil, Alaska, August 2010 [New Window]
This large producer of mercury operated from 1933 to 1971. As part of remediation work, this survey used electromagnetic methods to study subsurface resistivity.
Geophysical investigations of the Smoke Creek Desert and their geologic implications, northwest Nevada and northeast California [New Window]
Gravity and aeromagnetic data analysis described in a report, with a few physical property analyses
Geophysical studies in the vicinity of the Warner Mountains and Surprise Valley, northeast California, northwest Nevada, and southern Oregon [New Window]
Gravity station data and physical property measurements used to infer subsurface geologic structure
Geophysical studies of the Crump Geyser known geothermal resource area, Oregon, in 1975 [New Window]
Gravity map and data used to infer details of the geologic structure of the area. Surveys were conducted during or prior to 1975.
Geophysical surveys of Bear Lake, Utah-Idaho, September, 2002 [New Window]
Detailed bathymetry, lake-floor acoustic imaging, and sample characteristics to infer bottom sediment characteristics.
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