United States Department of Veterans Affairs

Volunteer Recognition

The Office of Survivors Assistance (OSA)  is pleased to share with you the important volunteer work that surviving spouses continue to do since World War I when they organized to serve our Nation’s heroes and show their support to this great Nation.

This volunteer service perpetuates the memory of those whose lives were sacrifice, maintains the ties of fellowship born of that service and extends continued assistance to others in need and support.

OSA would like to feature your service as part of our dedication to your volunteer service as we would like others to know what great work is being done on behalf of Survivors, Veterans and their families along with other important causes in their local communities. 

This Volunteer Page will not be successful with hearing from you!  So, please send your articles, photos and links to YouTube videos to us at officeofsurvivors@va.gov.

Thank you and we look forward to hearing from you soon.

  • For the past three years, members of the Miami Valley Chapter of the Gold Star Wives of America have volunteered at the Dayton VA Medical Center in Dayton, Ohio - serving their annual Holiday Meal in conjunction with the Psychosocial Rehabilitation programs offered at that facility.




  • Nickayla Myers-Garner has been sharing her insights and isnpiration with military families by helping them prepare for the possibility of the death of their loved one while in the military.  Sadly, she knows all too well the reppercussions of losing someone while on active duty - having lost her husband Capt. Mark Garner who was killed in action in Afghanistan in July of 2009.  To learn more about her work preparing active duty families for the deployment of their loved ones, please click here.