Health & Safety

Alcohol and DUI Treatment Programs (GA)

Structured intervention and preventive education programs are available to help people with drug and alcohol abuse problems. The Georgia Department of Human Services (DHS) is responsible for establishing criteria for the approval of such programs. Read more.

Alzheimer's Disease: Disclosure of Treatment (GA)

A number of treatment options are available for people with Alzheimer's disease, and it's important to ensure they receive the best care possible. Georgia law requires many facilities to submit a Disclosure about treatment of patients with Alzheimers.  Read more.

Anti-Aging Products

Some marketers of pills and sprays say they found a Fountain of Youth in HGH – Human Growth Hormone. But the Federal Trade Commission says a closer look at these non-prescription products suggests they may be nothing more than hype.

Buying Exercise Equipment

Before you spring for new exercise equipment, make sure you’re not buying the fitness fiction of quick, easy results. When shopping, look for equipment that suits your lifestyle and budget, and shop around to get the best price. Read more.

Buying Prescription Medication On-line

On-line buyers must take extra precautions to ensure they get  safe medications from a reputable provider.

Causes and Prevention of Foodborne Illness (CT)

Bacteria may be on the food you purchase.  Learn the signs, symptoms, and how to treat a foodborne illness.

Child Car Seats (GA)

In Georgia, automobile accidents are the leading cause of death and injuries for children ages one to twelve. The lack or improper use of car seats is a major contributor to the problem. Georgia laws are designed to help increase car seat safety.

Childhood Injuries In the Home (WI)

Young children are at the greatest risk from unintentional injuries in the home because they spend most of their time there.  Learn how to keep a child safe from burns, poison, and falls.

Consumer Guide to Beauty Salons and Spas (NY)

Learn how to be sure a salon or spa is following safe practices.

Don’t Be a Victim of Health Fraud Scams

Health fraud scams fool people about products that may not be all they seem. The scams bombard us with deceptive marketing. Read this brochure to learn how to identify and avoid health fraud scams. Read more

Don’t Let Do-it-Yourself Turn Into Injure Yourself (WI)

Learn the basics of power tool and ladder safety and make your home improvement project a success. Read more.

Emergency Mechanical Information (Montgomery County, MD)

Do your vehicle's warning lights come on when you turn on the ignition? They should. If they don't, they won't come on in case of mechanical emergency. If your vehicle's gauges don't operate as mentioned in the owners manual, have them checked.  Read more.

File a Complaint with the FTC

The FTC is the nation’s consumer protection agency. If a business doesn’t make good on its promises or cheats you out of your money, the FTC wants to know.

Generic Drugs and Low-Cost Prescriptions

Buying generic drugs can be a way to save money. If you want to get generics when possible, ask your doctor to write a prescription allowing a generic drug product when it’s appropriate. Learn more

Health Care Professionals (GA)

Georgia has established various boards to oversee the health professions and to set and enforce standards for licensure.  Read more.

Health Clubs: Exercise Your Rights (CT)

No one can prevent a health club from closing, but there are things you can learn and do to help you make wise decisions and avoid problems.

Health Fraud Scams - Don't Let This Happen to You (Video)

Promises of quick fixes and miracle cures can be found in TV infomercials, radio, direct mail, newspapers, and magazines. Don’t get fooled by bogus claims including "Lose 30 Pounds in 30 Days!" “Grow Hair Back” and "Cure my Diabetes!" Watch this video to learn about common health fraud scams.

Health Fraud Scams - Be Smart, Be Aware, Be Careful (Video)

Health fraud scams target people with promises of quick and painless cures. They waste money and can lead to delay in getting the proper diagnosis and treatment. Watch this video and learn how to recognize and avoid health fraud scams.

Health Fraud Scams: Get the Facts

Health fraud scams refer to products that claim to prevent, treat, or cure diseases or other health conditions, but are not proven safe and effective for those uses. Learn about common health fraud scams.

Health Information for Older People

Read articles about care and services, pills and products, scams and frauds.

Is Your Home Playground a Safe Place to Play? (WI)

Many backyard play sets are placed on dirt or grass – surfaces that do not adequately protect children when they fall. Make your backyard playground a safe place to play!

Joining a Gym

Joining a gym often means signing a contract, and not all contracts are the same. To avoid a problem down the road, find out more about the business and what you’re committing to before you sign up.

K2 or Spice: The Dangers of Using Synthetic Cannabinoids (CT)

Herbal and chemical mixes sold as “K2” or “Spice” may be smoked or mixed with food to produce a high.  They contain known and unknown chemicals that may be hazardous to health.

Keep Your Child Safe: Product Safety Tips

Stay informed about product recalls by checking the Consumer Protection recall alerts page from the New York State Department of State.

Medical Privacy

The Privacy Rights Clearinghouse (PRC) publishes in-depth guides on medical privacy laws and practical tips on safeguarding your information. Learn about HIPAA (the federal medical privacy law), electronic medical records, how your information is shared among health providers, and more.

Medication Safety (CT)

Talk to your health care professionals and learn how to take your medications safely.

Opioids: What You Need to Know (CT)

Opioid drugs affect the user’s body and brain. Learn about consequences of misuse or abuse.

Oxycodone: Protect Your Teens (CT)

It can be highly dangerous to take oxycodone without a doctor’s approval and supervision.

Prescription Drug Abuse Among Teens (CT)

 Talk to teens about the dangers of misusing prescription or over-the-counter medication.

Prescriptions for Eye Glasses and Contact Lenses

When you consider where to buy eyewear, chances are you consider cost and convenience. The Federal Trade Commission enforces the Contact Lens and Eyeglass Rules, which increase the “portability” of your contact lens and eyeglass prescriptions. Read more

Protecting Yourself from Prescription Errors (CT)

To get the greatest benefit from your medication, talk with your doctor and pharmacist before you start a new prescription.

Safe Storage and Disposal of Prescription Medication (CT)

Secure medications to keep yourself and your family safe from accidental overdose or poisoning.

Safe Toys Are No Accident (WI)

Play is essential to a child’s development, but poorly designed or improperly used toys can cause injury or even death. By following some basic guidelines, parents can better ensure that playtime is fun, educational, and safe.

Socializing Online: Talk to Your Kids

You may want to talk to your kids about certain risks of socializing online. Talk to your kids about about how they communicate online and off, and encourage them to engage in conduct they can be proud of.

Weighing the Claims in Diet Ads

There’s no shortage of ads promising quick and easy weight loss without diet or exercise. But the claims just aren’t true, and some of these products could even hurt your health. Don’t be hooked by promises, testimonials, or supposed endorsements from reporters; all you’ll lose is money. Read more.

Weight Reduction Centers (WI)

There are many diet programs to choose from if you're interested in losing weight.  Check a weight reduction center carefully before you sign a contract or pay a deposit, or you may lose money instead of pounds. Read more.