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    HR Line of Business Governance Structure

    Figure 1: HR LOB Governance Structure

    The HR LOB governance structure consists of three tiers. The top tier is "Strategy/ Policy, Planning & Oversight." The middle tier is "User Requirements" and the bottom tier is "Operations & Delivery."

    In the Strategy, Policy, Planning and Oversight tier, leadership is provided by John Berry, OPM Director and CHCO Council Chair, who has a dotted line relationship with the CHCO Council and Vivek Kundra, Federal CIO, OMB. Matt Perry, OPM CIO, and Jim Maas, OMB E-Gov Analyst, co-chair the Multi-Agency Executive Strategy Committee (MAESC). Liz Mautner, HR LOB Program Manager, reports to Matt Perry. The Multi-Agency Executive Strategy Committee (MAESC) is composed of 24 member agencies and includes ex-officio members from divisions within OPM, as well as liaisons to the CIO Council, CFO Council, Small Agency Council, Federal Acquisition Council, and Budget Officers Advisory Council. The MAESC has a dotted line relationship with the Requirements Board, which is led by OPM's Employee Services division and oversees and approves the policy requirements for HR LOB SSCs.

    In the "User Requirements" tier, Requirements Workgroups directly report to the Requirements Board. Additionally, in tier two, the Customer Council and Ad-hoc workgroups compose and define user requirements for the MAESC. The Customer Council specifically represents the voice of the customer, and it consists of representatives from 15 agencies across the Federal Government.

    In the "Operations & Delivery" tier is the SSC Advisory Council. The SSC Advisory Council is composed of six HR SSCs (USDA, DOD, GSA, HHS, DOI, and Treasury) along with DOD-DFAS as a Payroll Provider.