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Career Development

Pathways - This seminar series is intended to provide NIH graduate students the opportunity to meet outstanding scientists from diverse backgrounds like the NIH, FDA, academia, pharmaceuticals and  biotechnology industries to learn more about their career paths and their work . Through interactions with these scientists, we hope NIH graduate students will be able:

  1. To better assess which of the career paths and scientific fields represented during the series best matches their interests/skills
  2. To pursue these careers following their training at the NIH. 

The Pathway committee members work in conjunction with the Felcom Career Development committee to organize these seminars. Please email if you would like to get involved in the committee or have suggestions for topics to address and speakers to invite.


Graduate Student Seminar Series (GS3) - GS3 promotes graduate student research at NIH.  Our aims are:

  • To give students the opportunity to practice presenting their research prior to a seminar or meeting in a formal setting
  • To give students a venue for sharing their research
  • To promote graduate student research on campus
  • To provide feedback to students in order to improve their presentation skills and/or science.

Students interested in presenting their research should fill out the submission form or contact