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Shoreline Management

Center Hill Lake's Shoreline Management Plan (August 2005)

The update of the Center Hill Lake Shoreline Management Plan (SMP) has been approved. This plan provides policies and guidelines for the effective long-range management of the shoreline resources of the lake. The key objective of the plan is to balance private shoreline uses with the preservation of the natural environmental conditions of the lake.

The draft plan was posted on the Internet and copies were provided to interested parties. Two public workshops were held in March 2005 to discuss changes to the plan; however, the workshops were not heavily attended. Participants raised various issues relating to the plan. Answers to all of the questions raised at the public meetings and during the subsequent 30-day comment period can be reviewed by clicking below.

The 2005 review/update of the Center Hill Lake SMP proposed only a few minor changes to the existing plan based on input from the public meetings and additional comments from adjacent property owners and the general public. Several changes were made for clarification purposes and to incorporate nationwide requirements, shoreline use permit conditions, and approved plant listings. As a whole, the public continues to support keeping the shoreline free from additional private exclusive use such as individual and community docks.

The next update is scheduled for 2015.
Photo of Center Hill Lake's shoreline  

Click the links below to review (Adobe PDF format*):

*2005 Center Hill Lake Shoreline Management Plan

*2005 Center Hill Lake Shoreline Management Plan Questions and Answers
* Click here to go to the Adobe Acrobat site and download their free Adobe Acrobat Reader.

[Frequently Asked Questions about Shoreline Management at Center Hill Lake]