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President Nixon and Mrs. Nixon on the beach at San Clemente President Nixon and Mrs. Nixon on the beach at San Clemente (13 Jan 1971) (≈390K)

President Nixon at the Western White House President Nixon at the Western White House (9 Jul 1972) (≈400K)

President Nixon seated in the Oval Office President Nixon seated in the Oval Office (25 Sept 1970) (≈405K)

President Nixon at the Great Wall of China (24 Feb 1972) President Nixon at the Great Wall of China (24 Feb 1972) (≈390K)

President Nixon with Premier Chou En-Lai] President Nixon with Premier Chou En-Lai (25 Feb 1972) (≈400K)

When Nixon Met Elvis.
When Nixon Met Elvis Exhibit
contains the downloadable photos and original documentation from the meeting.

President Nixon with Elvis Presley President Nixon with Elvis Presley (20 Dec 1970) (≈300K)

President Nixon with Elvis Presley President Nixon with Elvis Presley (20 Dec 1970) (≈275K)

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