Workshop On Future GRETINA Science Campaigns – Preliminary Agenda

Friday March 1st 2013

Session I

8:30 am Welcome R.V.F. Janssens
8:35 am Introduction D.C. Radford
8:55 am Gretina at LBNL R.M. Clark
9:15 am Gretina at NSCL D. Weisshaar
9:35 am ATLAS/CARIBU status G. Savard
9:55 am Break

Session II

10:20 am Gretina at ATLAS technical overview A.O. Macchiavelli
10:50 am DAQ performance/overview C. Campbell
11:05 am Data analysis H.L. Crawford
11:20 am Tracking T. Lauritsen
11:35 am Discussion
12:05 am Lunch

Session III (Combining Auxiliary detectors with GRETINA)

1:30 pm CHICO2 C-Y. Wu
1:45 pm FMA D. Seweryniak
2:00 pm Phoswich Wall W. Reviol
2:15 pm ORRUBA S. Pain
2:30 pm Discussion
3:00 pm Break

Session IV (3:30 pm to 6:00 pm: Science opportunities for GRETINA at ATLAS)

There will be an overview talk and contributions from the community, with time for discussion, on science topics for experiments using GRETINA at ATLAS. Please contact Shaofei Zhu ( if you wish to present a short contribution.

Saturday March 2nd 2013

Session V

8:30 am Introduction P. Fallon
8:50 am Agency perspective C. Baktash
Results from the first NSCL campaign
9:15 am Important excitation energies of 58Zn for the rp-process C. Langer
9:30 am Spectroscopy of Mirror Nuclei in the Upper fp Shell T. Henry
9:45 am Lifetime Measurements with the MSU plunger in the first GRETINA campaign at NSCL H. Iwasaki
10:00 am Single-particle structure of neutron-rich N=40 nuclei K. Wimmer
10:15 am Neutron Knockout to Probe the Role of 3N Forces in the Ca Isotopes? H. Crawford
10:30 am Break
11:00 am Proposed second science campaign at NSCL A. Gade
11:30 am Gretina project upgrades and path to GRETA (TBA)
12:00 noon Discussion on Gretina's future 2015 and beyond
1:00 pm Meeting Close