Tag Archives: Fort Carson

Then-Army Staff Sgt. Clinton L. Romesha greets his oldest child, Dessi, during his homecoming from Iraq. Romesha Family courtesy photo

Medal of Honor Recipient Former Army Staff Sgt. Clint Romesha loved being in the Army, but after surviving the deadly battle of COP Keating he knew it was time to put his family first.
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The desire to “end intense emotional suffering” was among the top factors cited by soldiers who had at some point attempted suicide, according to researchers from the University of Utah, who interviewed 132 soldiers at Fort Carson, Colo. While the …
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Ten years of conflict, multiple deployments and returning daily to the long hours of a dangerous job that can never actually be left. These are the realities of the lives of our American soldiers in Afghanistan. They constantly deal with …
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Prescription drug misuse is one of the leading causes of accidental death in the U.S. but that can be changed by proper disposal of unwanted, unused or expired medications. On April 28th, the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) is sponsoring National …
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The April 29th AFPS podcast covers ongoing oil cleanup efforts in the Gulf of Mexico; a meeting held at the Pentagon between U.S. Secretary of Defense Robert Gates and Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barack; comments related to the vital role …
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