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Commander's Open Line answers your questions

Posted 7/1/2012   Updated 7/1/2012 Email story   Print story


by 35th Fighter Wing

7/1/2012 - MISAWA AIR BASE, Japan -- Q1 Will there be fireworks during the base 4th of July celebration on base?

A1 It is foggy in Misawa on the fourth of July, most days. According to historical analysis, seven out of ten years we've had to cancel because weather just did not support it. When we cancel the fireworks, it costs the about a $25,000. So rather than face a 70% chance of cancellation, we've decided to move a fireworks celebration to Labor Day when the weather is historically better. I know there is a great tradition with the fourth of the July and fireworks, but with the realities of weather patterns and limited dollars, and to not throw money into the fog, we came to that decision. We talked about it, and while it hurts in the heart, it makes sense in the head. We still will celebrate with fireworks on Labor Day.

Q2 Can we place a receptacle mailbox at the Misawa main gate that we can use to return guest passes?

A2 By returning guest passes face to face, we maintain accountability of visitors on base and have more positive hand-off. Similarly, we need to know when we've got visitors departing base. We're going to stick with it, especially from a security and force protection stand point. We can make sure it's more efficient and possibly streamline the check-in process to identify possible delays

Q3 Now that the snow is gone, can we get a mirror at the first left in north area?

Q3 By a technical perspective, the mirror meets the criteria, but in reality, drivers do have to peek and folks are still speeding up the hill. We are working with safety to figure out if the mirror isn't the right answer, what is. I will add- please slow down when you drive up Canyon Road on Falcon Drive. Please slow down and keep in mind children will be walking along the road.

Q4 Why do we exercise and have generations like we do? I understand it's to show we are capable of getting jets in the air, but if our mission here in Japan is to support South Korea I doubt Kim Jong-un is going to call us in advance to help us prepare for battle against him. What I'd like to see/hear are alarms going off all around base at an off hour time and see how ready this base really is to respond to a situation like that.

A4 We exercise to practice our skill sets required to generate both an initial response and combat deployment. You'll often here them referred to as Phase 1 and phase 2, respectively. We don't practice our preparation skill set on a daily basis; that is, the ability to prepare aircraft people and cargo ready to go on a short notice.
In terms of pre-warnings, we'd like to think as we have maritime domain and joint intelligence structure, we're watching indications and warnings. Truth be told, it's difficult to start a war overnight without anyone knowing. We'll have indications and warnings we look at nationally. Every now and then we'll have a no notice exercise; you just never know when one will be coming down the pipe. We also turn off certain giant voice messages and mass notifications in respect to our neighbors.

Q5 Sir, Why is there no enforcement to base policies such as the requirement to post the cuurent year Road Tax decal in vehicles? I ask becasue I am seeing numerous vehicles on and off base with only the Red 23 sticker and numerous with multiple years of stickers dating back as far as 19. When I was at the Kanto bases this wasn't tolerated. I am unable to hear the radio from my office so I hope that the question gets addressed and I find a way to hear the answer.

A5 The placement of improper decals is a ticket-able offense. Any driver seen without proper decals will receive a ticket.

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