February 2008
Date Title
2/20/08 Limit "Robocalls," but Protect Speech - Riverside Press-Enterprise
2/6/08 Bold diplomacy needed with Iran - San Francisco Chronicle
December 2007
Date Title
12/26/07 Let's ban phthalates to keep our children's toys safe - Oakland Tribune
12/24/07 Bay restoration at an exciting point - San Jose Mercury News
12/2/07 Working Together to Reduce the Risk of Wildfires - North County Times
November 2007
Date Title
11/27/07 Improving our Firefighting Abilities - San Diego Union-Tribune
October 2007
Date Title
10/21/07 Dams Provide One Key Element for State's Future Water Supplies - San Jose Mercury News
July 2007
Date Title
7/30/07 Close Guantanamo Now - San Francisco Chronicle
7/15/07 Candy-Flavored Drugs: A Danger to Kids - Sacramento Bee
7/7/07 Boost Penalties for Drug Dealers Who Entice Kids - Riverside Press-Enterprise
April 2007
Date Title
4/26/07 The urgent need for AgJOBS legislation - The Hill
4/23/07 Bill Would Raise Fuel Rules by 10 MPG - Roll Call
4/22/07 Ensuring Every Vote Counts in Elections - Sacramento Bee
4/3/07 Agricultural inspections are crucial - Fresno Bee
March 2007
Date Title
3/17/07 Why Democrats are raising a stink - Los Angeles Times
3/10/07 Unlocking Stem Cells' Promise - Los Angeles Newspaper Groups
February 2007
Date Title
2/26/07 Congress Must Impose a Time Limit on its 2002 Resolution - San Jose Mercury News
2/20/07 Fixing Social Security and Medicare - San Diego Union Tribune
2/12/07 Action Needed on Entitlement Reform - Roll Call
2/1/07 Time Running Out to Reinforce Safety Net - The Albuquerque Journal
January 2007
Date Title
1/23/07 Trading Away Coal-Fired Power Pollution - San Francisco Chronicle
1/7/07 Forging a New Plan to Battle Cancer - The Sacramento Bee
December 2006
Date Title
12/31/06 Support Five Bills to Prevent Catastrophic, Permanent Damage - Riverside Press Enterprise
12/4/06 Ban Cluster Bombs in Civilian Areas - The Washington Times
August 2006
Date Title
8/27/06 After Failed Strategy, Tactics, Slogans, the U.S. Needs New Direction on Iraq - San Jose Mercury News