
Since 2/12/13 01:55 pm


Since 2/13/13 10:20 am


Since 2/13/13 08:05 am
OLCF User Assistance Center

Can't find the information you need below? Need advice from a real person? We're here to help.

OLCF support consultants are available to respond to your emails and phone calls from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. EST, Monday through Friday, exclusive of holidays. Emails received outside of regular support hours will be addressed the next business day.


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Website: POV-Ray

The Persistence of Vision Raytracer is a high-quality, totally free tool for creating stunning three-dimensional graphics.


See the online documentation at the POV-Ray website for an introduction to using the POV-Ray language to create scenes.

module load povray

Available Versions

System Application/Version Build
Lens povray/3.6.1 sl5_gnu4.2
Lens povray/3.6.2 blah
Lens povray/3.6.2 centos5.5_gnu4.4.4