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Website: PGPLOT Graphics Subroutine Library

The PGPLOT Graphics Subroutine Library is a Fortran- or C-callable, device-independent graphics package for making simple scientific graphs. It is intended for making graphical images of publication quality with minimum effort on the part of the user. For most applications, the program can be device-independent, and the output can be directed to the appropriate device at run time.

For more information see the PGPLOT Website.


pgplot is available on analysis-x86 as a module. See the modules page for more information on modules.

module load pgplot
mpif90 test.f ${PGPLOT_LIB}

Available Versions

System Application/Version Build
Lens pgplot/5.2 sl5.0_gnu4.2.0
Lens pgplot/5.2 sl5.0_pathscale3.0
Lens pgplot/5.2 sl5.0_pgi7.0.7
Smoky pgplot/5.2 centos5.3_gnu4.4.3
Smoky pgplot/5.2 centos5.3_intel11.1.069
Smoky pgplot/5.2 centos5.3_pathscale3.2
Smoky pgplot/5.2 centos5.3_pgi10.4
Smoky pgplot/5.2 sl5.0_gnu4.2.0
Smoky pgplot/5.2 sl5.0_pathscale3.0
Smoky pgplot/5.2 sl5.0_pgi7.0.7