
Since 2/12/13 01:55 pm


Since 2/13/13 10:20 am


Since 2/13/13 08:05 am
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Asymptote is a powerful script-based vector graphics language that provides a natural coordinate-based framework for technical drawing. Asymptote has labels and equations that are typeset with LaTeX, for high-quality PostScript output.

A major advantage of Asymptote over other graphics packages is that it is a programming language, as opposed to just a graphics program: it can therefore exploit the best features of script (command-driven) and graphical user interface (GUI) methods.


First load the asymptote module, and then use the “asy” command.

  module avail asymptote
  module load asymptote/2.08

Available Versions

System Application/Version Build
Lens asymptote/1.42 sl5.0_gnu4.1.1
Lens asymptote/2.08 centos5.5_gnu4.1.2