Questions about Winter Fuel-Assistance?

If you think you might have difficulties heating your home this winter, you may qualify for winter fuel assistance through the Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP).
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Congressman Lynch Joins Walpole for Washington Street Project Ribbon Cutting

Congressman Lynch joined the Town of Walpole to celebrate the ribbon cutting for the Washington Street Project on Saturday, October 27th. The infrastructure improvements connect South Walpole to Walpole Center. Congressman Lynch helped secure $1.4 million in federal funds for the project.
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Congressman Lynch Joins Congressional Delegation to the Middle East

Congressman Stephen Lynch recently returned from a Congressional Delegation to Afghanistan, Pakistan, Yemen, Djibouti and Egypt.
Congressman Lynch Joins Congressional Delegation to the Middle East feature image

Congressman Lynch Participates in Braintree’s Memorial Day Ceremony

On Sunday, May 27th, Congressman Stephen Lynch honored the service and sacrifice of our veterans and their families at Braintree’s Memorial Day ceremony. Watch Congressman Lynch’s remarks here.
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