An Award-Winning Blog?

That’s what we are, courtesy of the Metropolitan Washington, DC chapter of the International Association of Business Communicators (IABC) – the largest IABC chapter in the country.. Specifically, last night Government Book Talk received a Silver Inkwell Award of Merit in the Government and Military Communication category. We were one of 21 winners out of more than 300 nominations submitted.

I mention this, not because we’re pleased and proud to receive such an award – although we are – but because it tells us that we’re on the right track in creating a venue in which Government publications get some of the attention they deserve, not as stereotypical dull doorstops, but as vital, information-packed, and often entertaining books that simultaneously open up the multifaceted and invaluable work of the Federal Government to the public at large.

Well, we’re not here to win awards, but to get the word out about the best of Government publications, past and present. I’m heading back to the vast Government Book talk vaults for more reading matter and, as always, I’ll be sharing what I find with you. Thanks for following us!

18 Responses to An Award-Winning Blog?

  1. y8 online says:

    How to Be an Award-Winning Blogger?
    1Pick a niche that isn’t boring
    2: Learn how to write.
    3.Make people read it.
    All the best – congratulations Allibrit

  2. Pensacola-FL says:

    Congratulations. I too feel the government should employ the use of many different platforms to engage with people!

  3. Jose Green says:

    Congratulations. I feel the government should employ the use of many different platforms to engage with people!

  4. Rogers Dental says:

    Everyone will admit that this is one award to be entitled with. And I am very proud of this blog, as it achieved this feat. I am sure if the journey continues like this it can win many such awards.

  5. Kazimiera Rozanska says:

    Very thanks for all Information in this Blog. For me are ver important.
    I Appreciate Your hard work, your posts are interesting.

    Congratulations, GOOD WORK !


  6. reviews says:

    It’s always nice to hear that someone appreciates your work. Congratulations and keep up the imformative content!

  7. Ryan Life says:

    congratulations to the whole team, your blog posts are always interesting, informative and educational to boot (unlike other government type blogs!).

  8. Knowledge and Information says:

    I agree CONGRATULATIONS is deserved and a WELL DONE TO EVERYONE!
    I look forward to reading you future blog posts. Keep up the excellent work.

  9. Allie A. says:

    Congratulations, the award is much deserved. I am sure that you will continue writing at the same caliber that we have all come to love. I look forward to reading you future blog posts. Keep up the excellent work.

  10. Edith Thompson says:

    Congratulations on a job well done.

  11. Allison says:

    All the best – congratulations Allibrit

  12. Drako says:

    The rewards only coming when the work is well done…

  13. zannias vasilis says:


  14. Mary Golden says:

    Wearing two hats as an educator, I find your posts often enlightening and useful. I teach writing to scientists for whom English is a second language, and I direct a program that encourages elementary school girls to maintain their interest in science, technology, engineering, the arts, and mathematics (STEAM). I sometimes forward your posts to others.


    Mary Golden

  15. Theo Dimson says:


  16. Susan James says:

    Congratualations! You deserve it! While it hasn’t been a long-running blog is sure has been informative and educational without being “dry”.

    Looking forward to more!

  17. Gregg S. Heilman says:

    I agree CONGRATULATIONS is deserved and a WELL DONE TO EVERYONE!

    My father was at Hickam Air Corp Field on 12/7/1941 and served from 1937 until the end of the war in the Pacific Theater.

    Unlike the Eighth Air Corp little has been written and even less credit has been given the men and machines of the 11 TH BGH and its’ Squadrons.

    I have been able to purchase many wonderful texts of this Units service ONLY through the GOVERNMENT PRINTING ORGANIZATION.

    Yes Congratulations is well deserved!

  18. Debra McCracken says:

    Congratulations! This blog has been a breath of fresh air for us govpubs types (I work in a library, and worked in government publications for 11 years. Keep up your good work!

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