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Save the Date

Comcast uses a calendar chock with digital offerings to entice and engage consumers.

By: Vicki Powers

The free calendar has been a marketing staple for as long as anyone can …

marketing tips
Minimizing the Environmental Impact

In 2008, the nonprofit Center for Resource Solutions substituted printed versions of its annual report with CD versions and used CD packaging that needed no glue.

Using Relevant Humor in Branding

Health care providers have learned that cheerful marketing ploys can also improve consumers’ attitudes toward medical care in general. But the humor must be relevant to a customer benefit, not just humor for humor’s sake.

Rising Above the Recession

Rising Above the Recession

Our new Web series on marketing in tough times

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Marketing to GLBT Communities Grows More Sophisticated

New, more sophisticated efforts show a growing respect for the gay and lesbian audience – and its buying power

By Anne Stuart

With sales down and its product line not generating the excitement it once did, car maker Saturn decided that it needed to overhaul not only its cars, but also its marketing focus. Even as the company dedicated itself to a “product renaissance” starting in 2006, it was also looking to make a bigger splash as a major marketer, seeking out new audiences that would show loyalty to the brand and evangelize on its behalf.

It didn’t take long before the automaker realized that the buying attitudes and behavior it was seeking abounded in at least one audience that also seemed heavily drawn to Saturn’s new line: the …

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