Eisenhower Army Medical Center
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Location: Room 2G-06
Phone: (706) 787-8845

Medical records are the property of the United States Government and are maintained for the benefit of the patient. Correspondence personnel have a special responsibility to ensure that medical records in their custody are safeguarded from loss or tampering, and that the information in the records is released only to authorize individuals who are in accordance with the Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) and Army Regulation 25-50.

The correspondence office provides the following services: forwarding of X-rays, lab reports, EKGs, and preparing medical statements (a release of information form is required). For insurance purposes, the following services are provided; legal requests (MVAs, subpoenas, SSA hearings, and risk management). Medical records may also be obtained from various facilities including military and civilian. The correspondence office also processes Veteran Affairs (VA) and social security administration requests and completes VA benefit forms for individuals who are disabled. Finally, if an individual needs medical records reproduced the correspondence office provides that service.