Sea Turtle Stranding and Salvage Network (STSSN)

Sea Turtle Strandings in the Gulf of Mexico

The Sea Turtle Stranding and Salvage Network (STSSN) was formally established in 1980 to collect information on and document strandings of marine turtles along the U.S. Gulf of Mexico and Atlantic coasts. The network, which includes federal, state and private partners, encompasses the coastal areas of the eighteen-state region from Maine to Texas, and includes portions of the U.S. Caribbean.

Data are compiled through the efforts of network participants who document marine turtle strandings in their respective areas and contribute those data to the centralized STSSN database.

Weekly Reports

The 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 and 2012 Weekly Reports are in a new format which allow for more specific near real-time queries. These data are reported directly by the STSSN State and National Coordinators. These Weekly Reports are preliminary and subject to change, therefore they are not recommended for use in publications/analyses. It may take a few minutes to execute a large query.


The Anatomy of Sea Turtles videos

To view these videos you will need QuickTime. You may download QuickTime exit arrow icon. These files are very large and may take several minutes to download.

cover page
The Anatomy of
Sea Turtles

Videos. This four part video series is supplemental to the manual:

  1. Introduction, Terminology and Species Identification [mov]
    (63.5 MB, 6 min)

  2. Dissection, Preparation, Standard Measurements, Dissection Tools, Anatomy, Opening the Body [mov]
    (65.7 MB, 5.5 min)

  3. Ventral Anatomy, Internal Anatomy and Landmarks, and GI Tract [mov]
    (103.2 MB, 9 min)

  4. Dorsal Anatomy, Sexual Dimorphism, Lungs and Airways, Exposing the Brain, Summary, and Credits [mov]
    (68.2 MB, 6 min)

La Anatomia de las Tortugas Marinas

Para ver lo siguientes videos usted necesitara bajar el programa de QuickTime exit arrow icon. Estos archivos son pesados y le tomara algunos minutos bajarlos.

cover page
La Anatomia de las
Tortugas Marinas

Videos. Esta serie de cuatro videos es comlementaria el manual.

  1. Introduccion, Terminologia, Identificacion de Especies [mov]
    (63.5 MB, 6 min)

  2. Preparacion para la Diseccion, Medidas Estandar, Equipo de Diseccion, Anatomia, Abriendo el Cuerpo [mov]
    (65.7 MB, 5.5 min)

  3. Anatomia Ventral, Anatomia Interna y Marcadores de Lugar, Via Gastrointestinal [mov]
    (103.2 MB, 9 min)

  4. Anatomia Dorsal, Dimorfismo Sexual, Pulmones y Vias Respiratorias, Abriendo el Cerebro, Resumen y Creditos [mov]
    (68.2 MB, 6 min)

Links to STSSN coordinator agencies

The following links provide additional information on marine turtles and the organizations who coordinate the STSSN.

Please note that references leaving the SEFSC web page are indicated with this icon exit arrow icon and does not constitute an endorsement by the SEFSC of any information, products, or services found on external web sites.

More Information


(Updated 9/2012)

green turtle
Green Turtle
(Chelonia mydas)
Photo Credit: Andy Bruckner, NOAA

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